Chapter 14-Never Play With Fire

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Shadow held something in his hand...a gun.He leaned in and pointed it at him.


Shadow blinked and leaned back slightly.In one swift move,Sonic threw the ball of dirt in his face.Shadow flinched,pulling the trigger.The gun made a horrible sound as the bullet grazed Sonic's arm.He gritted his teeth and held his arm.

"Dammit!"shouted Shadow.

While he was off guard,Sonic removed his hand from his wounded arm and punched Shadow hard in the stomach.He flew back as Sonic once did,skidding against the dirt.Shadow's shoes sparked as his rockets somehow turned on.The sparks hit the ground and a second later,a flame formed.Sonic stood and used the flame to his advantage.

It grew bigger,lighting up the cave.He was now able to see.Sonic looked around and soon found Amy's small body.He quickly dashed over to her,scooping her up.When he turned around,he saw the flame now a huge fire.Shadow just stood up,wiping the dirt from his face.His expression showed anger,his eyebrows were furrowed and his pupils became the size of a grain of rice.

The fire reflected off his eyes as the flames danced.He stepped forward as Sonic tightened his grip on Amy.

"If you don't stop this Shadow,we'll all be done for,"Sonic spat.

Shadow only smiled crookedly and continued to step forward.He raised up his gun as the fire behind him rose higher and higher,blocking the only way out.Sonic narrowed his eyes,his heart beating quickly.

"Good bye Sonic the hedgehog,"he said lowly and huskily.

Sonic knew what he had to do.Either be shot...or run through the fire...He didn't look at Shadow,instead he stared intensely at the fire.Fire.He held Amy closely and slowly kissed her forehead.He then rested his head against hers,closing his eyes.

'If we die...or I don't make it...I just want to say that I've always liked you...No matter how annoying you were...You are so beautiful..and I'm sorry I never told you that before...I..l-love you Amy Rose...'

Sonic kissed her forehead again and pulled back,watching Shadow.He stared at Sonic and smirked,tugging slowly at the trigger.Sonic breathed in deeply and closed his eyes.





Without another thought,Sonic used his speed and dashed past Shadow and past the fire.Shadow blinked and turned around,anger consuming him quickly.

"NO!"he shouted loudly.

Before he could even take a step toward,the fire bursted.Shadow jumped back as the fire got closer and closer.Sweat ran down his face and forehead as he coughed.Smoke drifted around and made his eyes water.He couldn't breath,the smoke was too strong.His vision became blurry and the lack of oxygen made him dizzy.

Shadow swirled around and circles before backing up,his body against the boiling hot rock wall.He screamed in agony.Shadow squeezed his eyes shut and bit his tongue.His legs soon gave out as he fell on his knees.Darkness washed over him as the fire inched closer.He became unconscious...and consumed in the fire...

Sonic held his eyes shut as he dashed through the flames.The smoke swirled around him as he did his best to cover Amy's face.His eyes water as fresh tears fell from his face.Sonic reached the entrance and was relieved to see the others moving the rocks away.Even though his eye vision was slightly blurry,he could still make out who each of them were.

Sonic saw Tails first,he was still holding his tracking device.He gasped when he saw Sonic running their way.

"You found Amy!"he chirped.

Sonic shook his head as he weakly slowed down.Tail's expression changed as he looked concerned and worried.

"What happened?"he asked.

The others joined in and crowded around them.

"We...have to,"Sonic said out of breath.

Rouge blinked,"Why?"


The fire finally caught up and stopped Sonic.Everyone's eyes showed shock and fear.They backed up and watched as the fire came closer,emerging from the cave that Sonic exited.

"Run to the boat!"Tails yelled.

Sonic used his super speed to zip by the others,forgetting everyone except Amy.He held her tightly and saw the boat soon after.Sonic jumped in and gently lied her across two of the seats.He stroked her quills lovingly before turning and waiting for the others.Sonic could see the smoke over the tall trees.Impatiently,he waited.He knew it was stupid of him to just stand there while his friends ran for their lives.

But...he just couldn't leave Amy again,especially after everything that happened.However he promised himself that he'd wait two minutes,and if they didn't come back,he would find them.Sonic blinked when a figure flew from a near by tree.When he squinted he realized it was Rouge.She flew toward him and landed in the boat,wiping a drop of sweat that formed on her brow.

"The others are coming.The fire is taking a while to burn anything due to the rainfall from the other day.So the others are ok,"she explained.

Sonic nodded and soon enough,he stopped Sticks jumping from the trees.Following behind him was Tails.They jumped in the boat and a second after,Knuckles came running.They all got on and soon Tails started the boat.

"Let's go home guys,"he sighed.

They zipped over the water.Sonic sighed and ran a hand through his quills.He wiped the ash from his fur and rubbed his temples.

"What happened to Shadow."

Sonic glanced at Rouge who asked the question.He looked at her blankly before replying.

"...He stayed the fire..."he said lowly.

Rouge's eyes widened before small tears formed.Knowing how she didn't like for others to see her cry,Knuckles wrapped his huge arms around her and hugged her close,shielding her face from the others.Of course Sonic felt slightly bad(especially seeing Rouge like this)but that was Shadow's decision to stay back.Sonic pushed the thoughts away and was only thinking about Amy now.

Besides the ash covering most of her body and face,she still looked peaceful.Sonic felt himself smile a little as she rustled slightly.He carefully lifted her head and rested it in his lap.He cleaned her face and placed another kiss on her forehead.Since Knuckles was comforting Rouge,Tails and Sticks were the only ones that saw the scene.

They exchanged glances,but Sonic didn't care.All he thought about was how Amy was back in his arms.When he pulled his hand back,he was quite surprised to see blood on his finger tips,and they weren't his.

'Oh yeah...Shadow pushed her...'

Sonic gritted his teeth and his protective instincts kicked in again.He promised that nothing like this would happen again.Sonic would protect her with his life.He glanced back at the island to see the fire finally reaching the trees.Watching them slowly burn,Sonic knew that fire was dangerous.It took Shadow's life,and it could of took his...and Amy's.

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