Chapter 12-Found

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The sun beat down on the gang as Tails started up the boat.Rouge flipped on some sunglasses,still very angry at what happened the day before.Knuckles stored all the food they would need in sacks as Sonic stood aside and crossed his arms,watching the group.Sticks stood next to him.Tails sighed as the boat rumbled.He dusted his hands and turned to the others.

"Ok guys,the boat's ready,"he announced.

Sonic zipped on,followed by Sticks and Knuckles.Everyone got on,sitting in a oval as the boat was structured.Tails drove the boat while Rouge and Knuckles sat together and Sticks and Sonic sat together.Tails turned the boat,and in no time at all,the boat began to skid over the water.It splashed up on every wave,sometimes getting on the others.No one spoke,the only sound was the humming of the boat.

The wind whipped through everyone's fur,causing discomfort.Rouge's sunglasses almost flew off numerous of times.Sonic,however,was the only one who seemed unbothered.He looked at the water,thinking deeply.Sonic could not sleep last night,the only thing he thought of was Amy.Very eager and anxious about finding her,he was determined that Shadow would get what he deserved...


It was dark.And wet.The figure lied on the cold ground.She shuffled and squirmed,rubbing her eyes slowly.Her vision was blurry,however things slowly started to come in view.Not like she could see anything anyway.

"...Sonic?"she whimpered.

Her eyes were fully opened now and she was alarmed.However,her independent nature started to kick in.Amy sat up,feeling the ground since she couldn't see anything.After a moment she then stood,rubbing over her shoulders.Amy felt her pockets and made a silent gasp.

"M-my mallet?"she squeaked,looking around desperately.

Putting her hands up,she started to walk slowly.Amy got frustrated,feeling as if she was walking in circles.

"This isn't funny!"she yelled,hearing an echo.

"Amy dear."

She stopped in her tracks,hearing her name.

"Who are you?And where am I?"she barked.

The voice is oddly familiar,dark and deep.

"It's me,Shadow.And for now,you're safe,"he said calmly.

Amy's fists clenched as anger flowed through her body.Memories flooded over her as she remembered what happened before she fell unconscious.

"I am not safe if I don't know where I am,"she snapped,"Where are my friends?And why am I here!"

"Answers will be revealed in time."

Amy waited impatiently and rested a hand on her hip.

"What,that's it?That's all you're going to say?"she asked,outraged.

No answer.

She growled in frustration,"Just wait until Sonic and the others come.They'll kick your ass."

Still no answer.

Amy soon gave up and continued to search for a way out.Even though she could see nothing,she tried her best.Amy walked and walked,still she felt like she was walking in a circle.She gave out frustrated cries,cursed Shadow,and stomped angrily.Finally,she sat back on the floor and crossed her legs.

'I hope Sonic and the others find me soon....'


"We have landed,"Tails said,stopping the boat.

Everyone piled off,sinking into the sand.

"This is where Amy's bracelet is located,therefore this is where Amy is,"he explained.

Sonic scratched his ear,"You have a tracking device implanted in her bracelet?"

He nodded,"You have one on your wrist watch communicator."

Tails led the group as Sonic tapped his communicator curiously.He took out his tracking device,watching a not moving red dot.

"She's not moving.She must be unconscious,"Tails decided.

"Unconscious?"Sonic asked.

That made him even more worried.

"Don't worry Sonic,we'll get her back,"Tails said strongly.

Sonic sighed and followed the group.They again remained quiet,the only sound being their own footsteps.They arrived on an island,the only thing spotted was a big patch of trees,like a jungle.Sonic and the gang traveled through that heap,following the red blinking dot.They pushed back,climbed over,and under the tree branches and vines.The birds cooed and the leaves they walked on crunched.

Sonic felt like it was taking an eternity,he knew if he had the tracking device,he could easily zip to her location.And beat the crap out of her kidnapper.

"Huh...this makes no sense,"Tails mumbled.

Sonic clashed into Knuckle's back as they stopped walking abruptly.

He blinked,"What doesn't?"

Tails turned to him slightly and pointed at a huge rock dome that blocked their path.It was covered in dirt,as if someone made a huge rock home.

"It says Amy is here...but all that's here is this stone thing,"Tails explained.

"Maybe she's inside,"Sticks pointed out.

Rouge patted Knuckle's chest,"Knuxs can bust it open,can't ya big guy?"

He smacked his namesakes together and made battle cry before smashing his fists through the dome rock.Just as he did this,rocks from the top of the dome started to fall.Sonic acted quickly and zipped into the dome just as the rocks fell and blocked the entrance that Knuckles made.It was completely dark now,Sonic was trapped.

"Sonic!"Tails yelled,trying to move rocks.

On the other side,Sonic dusted off his scarf and turned to the blocked entrance.

"Ya?"he asked.

Tails gulped,"You...go a head and look for Amy.We'll try to remove the rocks."

The others protested against the idea,but their argument was muffled.Sonic nodded and decided to go slow for once for fear he would either fall over Amy's body,or pass by it completely.He put his hands up and started walking,unable to a see a thing. Soon the others voices slowly dismissed and nothing was heard except for Sonic's own footsteps.

He started to walk faster,thinking of Amy every second.


Amy's head snapped up once she realized she was drifting off in a doze.She ran a hand through her quills.Amy felt stiff as she stretched her arms over her head.She stood and blinked,almost forgetting about how dark it was in...wherever she was.Her ears twitched.Slowly she turned her head as her ears continue to twitch.

'Something...or someone is near,'she thought.

Amy got in attack mode,ready to attack anything that came near.

"Stop being a coward Shadow!"she yelled out.

The sound of footsteps stopped and only her voice echoing was heard.She waited,still in fighting stance.Everything went silent,the only sound was water dripping somewhere in the distance.She shut her eyes,ready for the impact of a body slam or fists.When nothing came,her eyes slowly opened...


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