Chapter 8-An Accident

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Muffled voices.Anger lacing the sounds.Her vision was fuzzy as her eyelids painfully fluttered open.A ringing rang in her ears while her head pounded.Her body was slowly gaining consciousness,the numbing fading away.The voices began to get louder as the words finally became clearer.

"It was an accident!"

Amy tried to focus on the blurry figures standing around her.

"What...was an accident?"she asked slowly.

Everything stopped and their attention was put on her.Tails,Knuckles,Rouge,and Sticks were surrounding her while Sonic and Shadow were behind them arguing.

"Amy sweetie,do you remember anything that happened before you blacked out?"Rouge asked.

Thinking painfully,the memories flooded back to her in a big mess.She squinted and nodded slowly.

"Ya...Shadow dropped me...someone pulled me down...and I saw two figures fighting underwater...and I took a blow to the head...."Amy explained.

Everyone looked at Sonic and Shadow.The striped hedgehog remained quiet while Sonic sweated nervously.

"It-it was an accident...Something grabbed onto me and I pushed it away from me,"Sonic mumbled.

"So you were the one to flipped me and slapped me unconscious?"Amy asked in disbelief.

He gulped.

Shadow glared at the blue hedgehog,"Nothing would of happened if Faker didn't come and ruin everything."

Amy blinked,"So Sonic tackled Shadow....that explains why Shadow disappeared and I fell into the water."

"I-I thought he was attacking you!"Sonic explained quickly.

"But Amy would of been ok and everything would be between Sonic and Shadow if somebody didn't pull Amy under,"Tails pointed out.

Shadow said quickly,"I did.But only because I didn't know who struck me down and I panicked."

Amy nodded,"It's ok Shadow."

Sonic hung his head,looking down at his shoes.

"I'm sorry Amy,"he said softly.

The pink hedgehog lied down,her back to the others.

"It doesn't matter anyway,it's all over,"she murmured.

Before Sonic could say anymore,Tails interrupted.

"Let's let Amy get some rest,"he eyed Sonic,"That was some nasty blow she took."

A pang of guilt struck him as the others left her,including Shadow.Sonic didn't move.


"I'm tired Sonic,we can talk later,"she said weakly.

The blue hedgehog sighed and looked away,scolding himself.

"I'm sorry."

She didn't answer.Amy waited until his footsteps drifted off.Once he was gone,she slowly drifted off into sleep.


"I think...Sonic's jealous."

"Of who?"asked Rouge.

"Shadow of course,"Tails stated bluntly.

Knuckles raised an eyebrow,"Why?"

Sticks threw her hands up in the air,"Well duh!Sonic's jealous that Shadow is secretly a government spy!"

Rouge laughed,"Sweetie,I am a spy."

Sticks blinked and backed up behind Tails.He rolled his eyes and continued.

"No he's jealous because of him and Amy,"he pointed out.

"Ooooooh...I don't get it,"Knuckles said.

Rouge patted Knuckle's chest,"It's ok honey.Look,Sonic is jealous because Amy and Shadow like each other."

Knuckles nodded like he understood yet he wasn't completely sure.

"Well I don't know about Amy liking him...I think Sonic thinks that Shadow is up to something,"Tails explained.

Rouge crossed her arms,"if Shadow was up to something I would know."

Sticks shrugged,"I don't know...everyone has their secrets."

Rouge glanced at Knuckles nervously,as if telling him something.He was oblivious.

Tails looked around,"Where is Shadow and Sonic anyway?"


"That was some stunt you pulled Faker,"Shadow spat.

Sonic was in the middle of collecting a bouquet of beautiful flowers growing on the trees around his hut.Not in the mood,he glanced over at the hedgehog.

"What stunt,"he grumbled,still picking flowers.

Shadow crossed his arms and kept his cool.

"With Amy.We're were perfectly fine until you showed up and tried to 'save' her,"he said icily.

Sonic sighed in frustration and anger before turning to look at him.

"I heard her yelling for you to put her down.I heard the conversation from the shore,you can't just go up to someone and grab them like that,it's called harassment,"he said through gritted teeth.

Shadow rolled his eyes,"We were messing around."

"Correction,you were messing around.I know you're up to something,and I'm going to figure out what it is.You can't just take interest in someone so suddenly,"He growled.

Shadow laughed darkly,"Oh but you can't just keep your feelings in like a coward either.Its your loss Faker.You had your chance,but it's gone.And now it's my turn."

Sonic's blood boiled as his grip tightened on the flowers.He clenched his jaw and stared him down with anger.

"Amy will never fall for someone so heartless like you."

Shadow's evil smirk just widened,"And she'll never fall for a coward who can't admit that he loves her."

Sonic clenched his fists and lunged at Shadow.Throwing a punch,he slammed his fist onto his left cheek.The impact caused him to fall back as Sonic zoomed and stood behind him.Shadow used his elbow to prop himself up before spitting out blood along with a fang.A string of blood ran down from his mouth and onto his fur.Wiping it off with his thumb he stood and wobbled,grinning crookedly with pupils tiny.

"Coward.Amy doesn't need a coward.She needs a ma-"

Before he could finish he took another blow,this time on his right cheek.He fell back with Sonic on top of him.Angrily,he threw punches at his face.Shadow didn't try to stop him.While he continued to cough out blood,Sonic continued to beat him.Sonic wasn't himself.All he could feel was anger,the blood rushing through his veins.He yelled and violently slammed his fists into Shadow's chest and face.

Finally,what triggered Sonic to stop was a shrill scream.He looked up panting to see Amy staring back at him with fear written all over her face.In horror,he looked down at Shadow to see him smirking through the blood.Then quickly he looked at Amy who was now accompanied by the others.Their jaws dropped at the sight.They all stared at him shocked.


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