An Unexpected Night

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Her eyes blinked rapidly at the onslaught of camera flashes as she stood dutifully behind Henry, who was answering questions from reporters who surrounded him. She couldn't see his face, but Lika knew he was flashing that charming smile of his, dazzling the room in his custom made Armani three-piece suit while he talked in his deep, sophisticated gentleman's British accent.

Standing next to her, looking impatient, was his new agent Raina Deveroux. Honestly Lika didn't know the blonde that much. Not yet anyway. She only knew that Henry replaced his old one in the heat of an argument, and when Lika asked about it, the man responded to her query with nothing but a cold shoulder.

Lika knew then not to question him. Not now.

Now was Henry's night.

Against all odds, Henry did get that heroic lead male role they'd been after three years ago. The big break shot his name to more fame and recognition across Hollywood, and tonight, she couldn't feel more proud as they rolled the red carpet to celebrate him.

Henry walked forward to his fans who cheered his name upon seeing him approach. He gave them a courteous smile as he exchanged warm greetings with them. Amongst the goggly eyed fans, a kid dressed in a full on superhero custom that matched Henry's role squeezed forward and shouted his acting name, adorably stretching his short arms to Henry. In his small hands was a poster of Henry. Lika couldn't help the internal awww as she looked at the hope that brightened the kid's blue eyes as the boy stared starstrucked at her boss.

Henry gave the boy a grin as he signed someone's poster and was about to get to the kid before Raina interrupted.

"Enough. Let's go," she insisted, grabbing Henry's bicep.

"Just a second," he told her. Before he could turn to the kid, Annika Mendez walked in, her designer black and silver dress tailed on the red carpet elegantly. Her smile was captivating as the gorgeous actress joined hands with Henry.

"Let's go inside," Lika heard her say to his ear. Henry stood for a moment there, giving Annika's form a once over in appreciation and with lust lurking subtly behind his captivating blue eyes.

"Timekeeping, people," Raina added impatiently, tapping her watch.

"Come on," Annika smiled, an angel in Henry's arm. Henry gave her a kiss on the cheek before following her lead, not even once taking his eyes off of her.

The boy was going to be left high and dry. Lika tapped at Henry's shoulder.

"Just one more for the boy," she said.

"No time, Lika."

With that the man left with his gorgeous fiancee into the building, with Raina following close behind them.

Lika hid her displeasure at Henry's insensitivity. He wasn't always like this. He used to try harder to make time for his adoring fans, especially the little ones. Lika knew Henry adored kids and babies. Somewhere along the way, Henry's priorities had been shifted.

The little boy with the big doe eyes looked like he was about to cry. Moved by kindness, Lika quickly fished her car key in her small bag and unhooked the keychain–it was a pre-released movie merchandise that she got from the studio, one with the male lead crest on it.

Lika gave the weighty golden keychain to the kid. "From Mr. Kingsley. He's sorry he had to go."

The little boy's eye lit up. Lika beamed at him before turning and jogged to catch up with her boss and his entourage.


Lika made her way into Henry's new residence in London. A year ago he bought a new house. Bigger, more extravagant, more luxurious and much more expensive than even the previous one he had. Annika had since moved to London and live with him. Everytime, there was pride in her best friend's eyes whenever he looked at the American actress that was about to marry him in six months.

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