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I quickly dialed johns number, my fingers shaking so drastically I could barely dial the right numbers. He was here, and he knew I was alone. I knew I couldn't put up a fight alone he's so much stronger than me and he's crazy, he's so mentally crazy.. how did I not see it?

I finally dialed and waited for John to pick up. "come on John answer!" I yelled aloud to myself. It rang and rang without him answering so I quickly hung up and frantically called again scanning my room as it rang. I wasn't dare about to leave the bed.

"come on baby pick up.." Wait a minute. What good is it going to do to call him he's a whole flight aw-

I was suddenly interrupted by my thoughts with his voice. "Katy? Everything alright swee-"

"Johnheshereandheknowsimalone." I cried mumbling all of my words into one.

"Baby hey slow down.. now say it again." I took a deep breath and spoke again.

"He's here, John. Michael. And he knows that I'm here all alone" There was a short pause and I wished he would hurry up and say something.

"Um okay look he might be bluffing.. you're safe he can't get to you." He said trying to sound convincing but I could still hear the fear in his voice.

"I'm going to text him back" I said briefly pulling the phone away from my ear to reply to him.

me: what makes you think I'm alone? I'm clearly not...

unknown: is that why you just hung up with John on the computer or maybe why you're sitting in the bed.. alone.

My eyes immediately flew to the windows and doors.

"John... he can see me. He's been watching me." I whispered fear taking over my whole body. My hands and voice were shaky and it was all I could do to hold the phone.

I heard a loud noise come from johns end before he shouted at the people around him I'm guessing. "Everyone shut up!" He yelled.

"okay katy listen to me.. you have the alarm on correct?"

"yes" i managed to croak out.

"and the security system is on and everything is locked?" He asked and I closed my eyes trying to think back. No. I didn't I totally forgot.

"No I didn't John." I cried covering my mouth with my hand as I sobbed and I could hear people on the other end asking John if everything was alright.

I heard him sigh. "oh-okay go lock everything now, stay on the line though okay? and when we hang up call the police and then call me right back" He demanded and I hesitated before standing off the bed.

"but what if he's already inside." I whispered swallowing hard trying my best to keep my breathing regular. I didn't want to make any noise.

"John!" I whisper yelled when he didn't answer me.

"I shouldn't have left you there." He said completely avoiding my question. He sounded desperate and hopeless and that's not what I needed right now.

"don't blame yourself."

"just lock the doors right now." He said sounding more angry and pushy. I immediately tip toed down the hallway and ran to the door as fast as I could and locked it. I leaned against the door and let out a sigh of relief.

"you okay baby" he asked making me jump as I forgot he was still on the line.

I cleared my throat and look around making my way into the living room. "um yeah I think so-"

I was cut off by a hand covering my mouth and an arm around my waist. I screamed into his hand and tried to wiggle my way out of his grasp but that just made him mad and he held onto me tighter hurting me.

"shhhh, it's just me its okay. now.. hang up the phone." he whispered down my neck and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. It was like he had drank a whole liquor store.

"Katy? Katy answer m-" I hung up on John dropping my phone onto the ground.


"Katy? Katy!" I yelled into the phone fear taking over my whole body. He had her, and I wasn't there.

"John? what's wrong?" everyone around me asked with shocked expressions. I swallowed and looked around at them all.

"K-Katy." I stammered and grabbed my things and sped down the road without another word. I immediately picked up my phone as I dodged everything in my way.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Hi, there is a dangerous intruder in my home and my girlfriend is there." I rambled off speeding through a red light.

"okay and is anyone hurt?" why was this person so calm? I know it's their job but it's frustrating.

"I'm not there I don't know!" I shouted as angered filled my entire body.

"okay sir just give us your address." she said and I gave her my address as I finally reached my room where my manager was staying.

4 hours later and here I was racing into the hospital where katy was being kept. I ran up to the front desk where a woman was speaking on the phone.

I drummed my fingers across the desk impatiently waiting for her to hang up and help me.

"excuse me-"

I started before I was cut off by her holding her finger up in the air.

"no, I need you to tell me-"

"I said one minute sir." She said in an annoyed voice and that's when I lost it. I grabbed the phone out of her hands and slammed it down hanging if up.

"Now you're going to tell me where katy perry is right this second!" I screamed and she looked at me in shock.. almost fear.

"only family sir." she spoke and I laughed placing my hands on my hips.

"alright either you tell me where she is or I will knock down every door in this damn building until I find her. I'm her boyfriend I think that's allowed. got it?" I shouted and she immediately told me her room number. I hated having to act this way but it's just what happens when I'm scared.

"Katy, I'm so sorry." I cry as I burst through the door and I finally see her condition. She has cuts and bruises all over her body and I can tell she's been crying.

"John!" she cried out and I rushed over to her and hugged her trying not to hurt her. I sat on her bed and held her to my chest kissing the top of her head.

"I'm so sorry baby I should've been there." I whispered hating myself at the moment. She deserved better than me. This wouldn't have happened if I wasn't such a horrible boyfriend.

She didn't respond she only cried harder into my chest clinging to me for dear life. "I love you."

"I love you too I'm so glad you're safe." I replied squeezing her closer to my body making her jump and whimper.

I quickly loosened my grip but didn't let go of her. "oh sorry.."

I slightly pulled away to kiss her. I've never been more happy to kiss her in my life. The whole way here before I had heard anything about her I was just thinking about if I'd ever see her again. Or kiss her again. and now I'm finally getting the chance to again. I pulled away but she grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me back down to her.

"No I need you right now." she whispered and I didn't hesitate to continue to kiss her. But there was just something I needed to know but I'm not sure if she's ready.

"Babe can you tell me what happened..." I carefully asked scanning her face. She looked down and then back up into my eyes before slowly nodding yes.

"this is what happened..."


omg this is so short and choppy and messy but here it is! enjoy

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