Chapter 7

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I drove a crying katy home that night after having a long talk with her about how what she did was right. She needed to move on in her life. She deserved someone better than that. I looked over to see her messy hair covering her face as she slept in the passengers seat all curled up.

I reached my hand over and moved her hair out of her face as I lightly stroked her cheek with my thumb. She was so beautiful even after a long day of tears and heartbreak she still seemed to glow.

I quickly pulled my hand back, as I saw her stir beside me and let out a quiet moan.

"Hey.. we're about to your house." I spoke in a hushed tone but got no response from her. She just stared out the window as I pulled into her driveway. I didn't even come to a complete stop as she quickly opened the door and ran up to her house without saying a word.

"Katy!" I yelled, quickly parking the car and running after her not even worrying about shutting the door.

"Katy, what's going on with you?" I questioned her as I caught up to her and grabbed her wrist. "Talk to me.. please."

She looked off to the side before letting out a huge sigh and launching herself into my arms as I held her fragile body. I could feel her shaking beneath my grip as her tears fell upon my shirt but I didn't mind. All I knew was I needed to help her, to protect her.

I held her tightly and rubbed her back as she began to calm down. "shhh, hey it's okay.. " I whispered in her ear. She pulled away sniffling and wiping her tears with her sleeve before giggling.

"Sorry, I'm such a mess." She said waving it off like it was nothing. "No, katy you're not you just need to let me in. You need to let me know what's going on in that little brain of yours." I teased seeing a smile finally appear.

Katy shrugged. "It's just... what's wrong with me?" She busted into tears at the last few words and crumbled to the concrete steps of her home. "Everyone I'm ever with hurts me. They either cheat, or abuse me, and there must be something wrong with me. I try I try really hard to be a perfect girlfriend but I guess I'm not worth it. No one wants someone like me.. " she whispered and put her head in her hands

I gently knelt down in front of her and made her look up at me. "There is nothing wrong with you. They don't appreciate the beautiful woman they are with and its their loss. You're perfect Katy.. I mean it. You're beautiful, smart, funny, talented, everything. Any man would be lucky to have you.." I finished staring deeply into her eyes. I saw a small tear escape and wiped it away.

"Thank you." She whispered. "I meant every word..." I replied and helped her stand up.

"John.. will you.. will you stay here tonight? I would just feel better."

"of course." I smiled and followed her inside.

There's a guest bedroom right beside mine.. If you need anything just wake me up okay?"

"Will do." I chuckled before opening the door. I turned back around and saw her standing in front of me.

"goodnight.." I said wrapping my arms around her shoulders and kissing her cheek. I loosened my arms up to let her walk away from the hug but she stayed there so I hugged her back even tighter.

She finally pulled away slightly and I looked down into her eyes. She bit her lip and closed her eyes as she exhaled and I drew her closer to me.

"He's not going to hurt you anymore. I want let anything happen." I reassured her and she silently nodded.

"thank you... goodnight." she whispered backing away from me and I watched her go into her room until she was out of sight.


It was well around 2 in the morning now and I couldn't sleep.. I was just thinking about John and how I should've been with someone like him from the start. But I've pushed him away so many times that he won't want anything to do with me. I'm a wreck. I wanted him to kiss me earlier, I really did but last time he tried that I broke his heart so I knew why he didn't..

I was finally falling asleep when I heard a noise outside my window. I slowly tossed the covers off me and turned on my lamp. I creeped over to the window and peered out but saw nothing, it must've just been the rain. I started walking back over to my bed when I heard my window open and saw Michael climbing into my room.

"Michael, what the hell?? Get out of here, i said we're done!" I whisper screamed trying not to wake John up.

"I know, but you didn't mean it baby.." He said eyes full of tears approaching me.

"I meant every word." I retaliated. "Now leave."

I didn't even have time to react before he hugged me and held me tight sobbing into my hair. "Katy I love you I can't lose you!"

"I loved you so much Michael but you treated me wrong." I cried backing away but soon he pounced on me and his lips were on mine.



sorry this chapter is so slow and annoying but next chapter makes up for it!

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