Unfortunate Meeting

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"Guys could you leave us alone please?" I growled leading katy through the crowd of paparazzi. I had a firm grip on her hand but it kept slipping from my grasp whenever she would get trapped between them.

"Back off!" I snapped, lightly shoving one of them in the chest before reaching for her again, this time holding her around the waist. She never like when I was physical with them but sometimes that was honestly what it took.

I had just taken her out to dinner. Not for any special occasion, just because she deserved it. And she looks so beautiful. Her long black hair is loosely curled down her back and she has this white semi sparkly dress on. It came down to her mid thigh and hugged her curves oh so perfectly slightly flaring out towards the bottom.

I placed my hand on the bare skin of her back where there was an opening on the dress and whispered in her ear as she walked with her head down beside me.

"We're almost to the car babe." She just nodded her head in response not wanting to look into the flashing lights.

"Can you assholes let us walk?" I asked once more, annoyed and frustrated as I continued weaving my way through them. We finally made it to the car and I opened the door for katy making sure she got in safely before shutting it and jogging over to my side.

I hopped in the car and the noise of the paps suddenly became a faint mumble and I turned to look at katy beside me. "Are you alright? I know.. there was a lot of them this time." I chuckled.

"I'm fine, John.." She smiled scooting closer to me and leaning her head on my shoulder while lifting her legs and setting them across mine allowing me to pull her closer.

I kissed her head before resting my hand on her thigh, and I began unknowingly caressing her leg.

"thank you for tonight, I had fun." She mumbled taking my hand and linking our fingers together. I smiled and lifted our hands to kiss hers.

On the way home she had already fallen asleep and I looked at the sleeping beauty before me. I can't believe she's all mine. Mine. That felt good to say. I can actually already see myself with her.. forever. Weird right? John Mayer.. completely and inevitably in love with a girl. The most beautiful inside and out, funny, caring, sweet, precious girl.

A few minutes later we arrived back at her place. We hadn't officially moved things into mine yet so we're still here.

"Sweetie we're home.. " I mumbled into her ear and stroked her cheek delicately. I watched as her eyes fluttered open before realizing where we were. I helped her out and we made our way up to her stairs where I stopped dead in my tracks.

There on her doorstep was a very drunk and disoriented Michael with a bottle of alcohol in his hand.

"Katy, sweetheart." He smirked standing up and attempting to stagger over to us.

"Back the fuck away." I warned pulling a very scared katy to my body. He didn't back down though, he cockily walked towards us, never taking that stupid grin off his face as he eyed Katy.

"John, I want him gone please.." she cried into my chest. I felt her grab fistfuls of my shirt and I glared at michael. I just wanted to hit him so much.

"Michael, leave." I said once again slowly backing us away from him as he crept slower and slower in our direction.

"I just want my katy back." He cried, reaching out for her but before he could lay a finger on her I let go of her and shoved him back.

"She's not yours anymore." I yelled shoving him once again, but this time sending him to the ground. I wanted to kill the guy, but I didn't want katy to see that side of me. Especially since she's afraid of violence. "She never was and she never will be. You don't deserve her."

As he lied there he suddenly burst out into laughter causing me to look at katy in confusion. "I'll get her back... Don't you worry." He laughed once more making me red with anger.

"Listen here. If you ever come near her again I'll beat the living shit out of you, you hear me? You hear me!" I repeated grabbing him by his collar and lifting him off the ground to punch him.

I stood up and went back over to katy who still had tears falling down her cheek."Are you alright? Come on.." I asked, wiping her tears from her cheek. I kissed her and broke away to go kick Michael in the side one last time. It was nothing hard just to let him know I wasn't kidding.

"Now stay away from my girl." I spit aiming for his face but I think it ended up somewhere in the grass. Then I mumbled something in his ear making sure we were the only two who could hear. "I swear I will kill you. I will make you pay for every disgusting thing you did to her you worthless fuck."

"John, baby come on please.." she pleaded tugging at my arm wanting to go inside.

"I'm calling the police." I whispered into her ear as we walked back into her home with Michael still rolling around in the grass in pain. Good I hope I broke his nose.

Katy went ahead upstairs as I stayed down here and called the police. I watched him from the window in our living room as the phone rang waiting for someone to pick up.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Hi, we have a very dangerous trespasser at our home and we need him arrested." I spoke

"Okay, what's your address sir?" The woman asked and for I swear a split second I turned to look towards the stairs to make sure katy had made it up safely and then back at him and he was gone. How does he do that? That's the second time?

"Um he actually... is gone now. sorry for wasting your time.." I said slowly letting the phone drop from my ear before hanging up.

Where did he go? "Katy" I yelled from downstairs but got no response in return.

I hesitantly walked up the stairs calling for her again. "Katy! Babe!" nothing.

"Shit." I mumbled to myself bursting through her bedroom door quickly examining the room with my eyes. "Katy?" I called again this time a little more panicked.

I turned to run back downstairs when finally the most beautiful sound entered my ears. The bathroom door opening and out stepped katy.

"Katy oh thank God." I breathed out running over to her and embracing her in a hug.

I bent down to peck her lips, then her nose, cheek, jaw, everything I could reach.

Katy giggled. "What are you doing?"

"I thought something happened. I just panicked that's all." I admitted as she threw her arms around my neck.

Now he has us both scared. I'm constantly worried about her and its wearing us down.

"I love you John. I'm glad you were here when this happened. I thought maybe we were done with him but..." She said standing on her tiptoes to kiss me. She was only meaning for it to be a small kiss but I pulled her into me and deepened it.

I led her over to the bed where we climbed on top and I continued to kiss her. "I love you too, more than I've ever loved anyone and that's the truth." I admitted stroking her cheek.

I felt her arms sneak around my neck as she pulled me back down for a kiss and I settled myself between her legs.

It surprised me when she forcefully shoved her tongue in my mouth and ran a hand down my chest stopping at my waist line.

I felt her other hand leave my hair and join the other to unbutton my jeans. "Baby.. are you sure." I whispered leaning my forehead against hers. I had to make sure this is what she wanted.

"Do you not want to?" She asked surprised. A look of embarrassment in her eyes.

"No no no of course I do, katy.. I've always wanted you." I mumbled into her neck, feeling her arms tighten around me.

I kissed her neck as we finished removing my pants and I lifted her tank top off of her body before flinging it across the room. I left slow, tedious kisses down her stomach and looked up to see her eyes closed and heavily breathing, knowing I was the one causing this. I stopped at her hips and pulled her shorts down before going back up and kissing her once more.

"I really love you." She whispered into my mouth.

"I really love you." I repeated. "Katy, I'm so in love with you."

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