Liu Han glanced at the photo, "Of course not, isn't this background your dorm?"

"Fuck......" Xiao Zhan 's throat went a little dry, "This silly dog's body is so good?"

Liu Han replied, "So I wouldn't say he looks weak. Maybe he just hides his strength, so don't look down on him."

Xiao Zhan said, "How could I look down on him? I'm just afraid that his pheromone won't be effective and won't be able to last through the heat."

Liu Han glanced around and then leaned in to whisper, "I don't know about the pheromone, but the waist of your guy, at first glance, it's awfully amazing......"

Distracted, Xiao Zhan went blank for a second before lifting his leg and kicking Liu Han off the bar stool. Liu Han nearly fell to the ground, but was able to hold his position and didn't get angry. Knowing that Xiao Zhan wasn't really offended, he sat back in place with a giggle.

"Zhan , although everyone says you two don't match, I don't think so! Your names go together like water and fire, very well-suited!"

Xiao Zhan said mercilessly, "I thank you, Ge. Since I was young, I've only heard 'as incompatible as fire and water.' Now for the first time, I've heard someone say that water and fire are well-suited."

Torn into, Liu Han felt a bit awkward. In order to disguise his lack of culture, he took his glass and boldly drained it in one gulp, "Come! Zhan ! Down your juice!"

Xiao Zhan replied, "Five more at most. Otherwise I'll tell Xiao Xiao. You do as you see fit."

Liu Han: "......"

Bored to death, Xiao Zhan left the bar holding the juice and went to a sofa seat to watch his classmates play cards and chat mindlessly. A few of them were already drunk, hugging the classmates next to them and spilling their every thought, regardless of the other's willingness to listen.

He was struck by sudden inspiration, opening his phone to send a message to Wang Yibo:

[I'm next street over at the bar, you coming?]

Contrary to his expectations, Wang Yibo quickly called him.

"Xuezhang, why did you go to a bar? By yourself? It's too dangerous. I'll come quickly and find you right away."

"Plenty of my classmates are here, we came out to celebrate. I haven't been drinking, don't panic."

Wang Yibo seemed a little relieved after hearing that, but his tone was still pretty urgent, "I'll come right away, wait for me and don't mess around, Xuezhang."

"Wang Yibo, can you drink?" Xiao Zhan asked suddenly.

"I've never drank, probably not......why?"

"Nevermind, I'm hanging up."


Xiao Zhan ended the call, the corners of his mouth quirking up a bit.

This silly dog can't drink, great, I can pour him a cup or two in a bit and maybe his courage will increase, making him do what he'd usually never dare to. Maybe he could reap the results of the previously-unimaginable passionate little boyfriend.

Xiao Zhan began to think more and more that this method was feasible, unknowingly finishing his glass of juice. The bar gradually filled with more and more people. The air became a little stuffy, heavy with the scent of alcohol. The fragrance gave him a headache.

He wanted to go outside for some fresh air, but before he could exit, the door of the bar opened and a few people walked in. Xiao Zhan took a quick glance and his face sank instantly.

Short Story of XiaoWangTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang