Bruh ( photo sent by a person)

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Vincent's POV 😈
After hours of walking around our small town where she might be, she's nowhere to be seen.
"Can you connect now?" I ask occidere
"Either she's dead or not thinking." He replies
"Well she's obviously not dead, if she was you'd be dead" I nudge him with my shoulder. He just shrugs... Not a good sign...
Suddenly I hear running from behind me. I turn around but before I could see I was tackled by a crying brown haired girl named rosa
"It was horrible! Horrible I say!" She cries loudly... What's going on
"Rosa, rosa, calm yourself! What happened?" I ask as she gets off of me but still gripping onto me tightly.
"I found melony! She was walking around and was brutally murdered! I was too late!!"
She was bawling her eyes out, honestly I wanted to too. Occidere looked quite angry at her
"I've gotta go" he hisses as he starts to fade
I'm now left with the decision to either cheat on melony, or to leave rosa crying...

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