Lookin' at you got me thinkin' nonsense, jo

Start from the beginning

But every time she tried to confront you about it, she just couldn't. You'd greet her with a smile, and it was like she forgot what she was even mad about. She's talked to Maddie about it, who told Jack about it, but it seems that it's either you sleep in by accident or Jenna has to suffer. You felt bad about waking up Jenna, but the last time you slept in by accident, you got yelled at.

This time, however, the alarm was even louder. And it just kept on going. Usually it would get shut off within at least a few seconds, but this one? It's been going off for at least fifteen minutes. Jenna tried to cover her ears with her pillow, or maybe even putting her music in. Nothing worked.

Jenna finally decided to get up and yell at you about it. Once and for all. She was so tired that she straight up went over to your apartment and banged at the door. She banged on it a bit more, leaning onto the doorway with her forehead on the door itself.

You were slightly awake from the alarm, but the banging on the door made you actually wake up. You pulled on your tank top and dragged your feet to the door. You finally opened the door, it almost slamming open and a body falling onto you. You quickly caught her, helping her up. "This seems familiar." You joked, but your voice was hoarse. Jenna mumbled a small apology and stood up straight. "Why are you banging on my door at 2 in the morning? It's like thursday, what could you possibly need?"

It was then that Jenna finally rubbed her eyes, getting a clear look at your attire. You weren't wearing the usual hoodie and sweatpants that she'd catch you wearing, instead, you were wearing a white wife-beater tank top with some random boxers. "Hold on, don't you usually go out by this point?" Jenna pointed at your clothes.

Your eyebrows were knitted together, you were confused. "Um, no?" You said, slowly. "Like I said, it's two in the morning, and it's a thursday." Jenna was also confused.

"Then why the fuck has your alarm been ringing for so long?" She motioned her arms, trying to jog your memory. "It's still going now."

You slowly turned your head inside your apartment. "No, I'm pretty sure my alarm isn't on." You took a step back. "Come in." You went inside, just to check your room, Jenna trailing behind you. "See?" You held up your alarm clock. "No alarms. It's not mine."

Jenna wrapped her arms around herself. "If it's not you, then is it your roommate?" You shook your head, leaving your own room and going to open his. Just before you could open the door, Jenna stopped you. "Wait! What if he's asleep, that's why the alarm's been ringing."

You rolled your eyes, opening the door, revealing that his alarm clock was also not ringing. "He's a heavy sleeper, but not heavy enough to ignore an alarm clock for two hours." You crossed your arms. "Are you sure it's not in your own apartment?" Jenna shook her head, trying not to let out a shiver. "Jesus, are you cold in here? Do you need a sweater?"

"No, I'll be fine, I'll just grab one from my room." You nodded, following the girl. You made sure that you left the apartment open, just so you don't lock yourself out. You looked to see her trying to open the door. "Fuck." She tried jiggling her doorknob.

"I don't think that's going to make it open." You leaned against the wall, watching her struggle. "It's cold out here, let me get you a sweater." She sighed and followed you inside your apartment. You disappeared into your room for a few minutes, giving Jenna some time to look around at the different parts of your apartments.

You guys had a wall with a few shelves and pictures all around it. There were three sections. One had a bunch of hanging medals with pictures of you with a bunch of other (what it seemed like) athletes. The next one was full of pictures of you and your family or your roommate and his family. The last one was filled with... were those bras and panties?

Dreaming Of You - Jenna Ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now