Wang Yibo laughed lightly, "Actually I don't really know either...... I've liked him for so long that I can't remember why I started."


Xu Qian wanted to ask a few more things about those words, when suddenly she saw Luo YongHeng running out of the hall with an anxious expression, as if he wanted to scream at someone.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Wang Yibo ! Great, I was just trying to find you!" Luo YongHeng ran over, as if he had caught sight of his savior, and panted out, "I-I just saw Zhan being carried off Zou Rui, and it didn't look like they were getting along. I'm not sure what's going on. I was too scared to bother them but I'm afraid something bad might happen to Zhan ...... Could you come take a look?

Wang Yibo 's expression changed instantly, "Take me there!"

The three rushed quickly into the hall, following Luo YongHeng to a mess of hard-to-reach hallways. Luo YongHeng didn't know the specific location, he had only caught sight of Xiao Zhan being taken in. He was so anxious that he started to get scared, but Wang Yibo calmed him down, making him think carefully about which direction the two could have gone.

Right as they were fumbling forward, they suddenly heard fragments of a conversation coming from a corner. The three glanced at each other, then immediately ran over. The thick carpet muffled their footsteps, but it didn't muffled the vague noises in the air.

"Don't lick...... you......"

Wang Yibo suddenly stopped moving.

Xu Qian didn't notice at first and accidentally ran into his back. She let out a hiss of pain and rubbed her forehead. She was about to ask why he stopped so suddenly when she raised her eyes and froze.

Xiao Zhan was pinned against the wall by Zou Rui, his face flushed, weakly pressing against his shoulders. His collar was open to expose his shoulder, revealing a patch of fair skin. Zou Rui's head was buried into his neck. Everyone knew that place was the position of the gland.

Zou Rui was marking Xiao Zhan .

Xiao Zhan 's eyes were closed, so he didn't know that other people had arrived. He was in the middle of letting out a soft groan, still faking the appearance of someone who was being subdued by pheromones. Just a moment ago, he'd suddenly been hit with inspiration. Before Zou Rui bit his gland, he'd quickly stopped cursing, instead calling out softly, "Rui Ge, I'm afraid of pain" and making Zou Rui switch from biting him to licking. In the end, he'd bought himself time to recover his strength.

It was just a temporary mark, which he wouldn't have cared about in the past. Even if he was bitten, he would've just cursed and never given up. And if the worst happened, he would just get revenge afterwards.

But he was different now, he didn't want anyone other than Wang Yibo touching him.

He endured the nausea and let Zou Rui lick his gland, preparing his fist to take advantage of the moment the other dropped his guard and opened his mouth to bite in order to hit him instead.

Just as he was opening his eyes halfway in order to act, suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Wang Yibo and others standing not far away, staring blankly.

Wang Yibo was biting his lip hard, his fists clenched at his sides, his whole body trembling. He seemed to be making every effort to restrain himself, his widened eyes shining red, staring in pain and sorrow at the two people before him.

Xiao Zhan closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

Silly dog, come steal me away.

A second later, the weight of his body suddenly eased, and Zou Rui screamed in his ear, "Are you crazy?"

Xiao Zhan opened his eyes and caught sight of Zou Rui throwing a fist towards Wang Yibo , who had rushed over. He immediately stepped forward and cut in front of Wang Yibo to get in the path of that falling fist. He said coldly and sternly, "Zou Rui, we're ending it here."

So angry that his neck flushed red, Zou Rui stared at Xiao Zhan , who had recovered his strength, and finally cursed, "You all will regret this!" Then he left angrily.

Xiao Zhan couldn't stop him and knew that he was no match for him, so he could only let him go.

Besides there was someone more important near him right now.

He looked at Wang Yibo , his stomach still roiling with emotion, and asked Xu Qian and Luo YongHeng, "Did you bring him?"

Luo YongHeng nodded.

"Thanks." Xiao Zhan was still gasping a bit. He gripped onto Wang Yibo 's shirt and pulled him to his side.

"I'll take this silly dog back to lecture, we'll leave first."

Puzzled, Luo YongHeng watched the two leave, then turned his head and asked Xu Qian, "This......did we do something bad or something good?"

Xu Qian also couldn't figure out what had just happened and said stupidly, "Maybe both......"


1. Xueji (学姐): Older female classmate ↩

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