"I was here for Sam too, yes. But if that were the only reason, I would've been gone by now," Hyunjae shook his head, "And while I understand your resentment towards me, I don't see why you have to remind me that my friend is dead."

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "Just have to point out the fact that you had no intention to talk to me. Now that your friend is gone you want to make amends?"

"You didn't seem too happy to see me when I got here so I refrained from embarrassing you," Hyunjae explained. Hoseok made a face, scoffing.

"Embarrassing me? So I'm the asshole?"

Hyunjae raised a brow, "I don't understand where this hostility is coming from. Maybe you should talk to me like a man instead of being grotesquely vague as if I'm supposed to read your fucking mind."

Hoseok stood from his chair, both of their faces lit up by the fire. He got up close and personal to his brother, eyes intent on him, "You love treating me like I'm just some stranger. That's my fucking bone to pick."

"You're the one who left me," Hyunjae prodded Hoseok's shoulder, jaw tightly clenched as if holding back what he wanted to say.

Hoseok's anger dimmed, "I had to," he said, "I couldn't stick around any longer."

"Why?" Hyunjae mumbled. Hoseok stepped back, staying silent.

"Is it...Is it because of Penelope?" Hyunjae prodded. Hoseok went silent for a moment, speechless at how he managed to guess right away. At the look of shock on Hoseok's face, Hyunjae's own expression fell in realization.

"It's always been about envy, hasn't it, brother?"

Hoseok was furious, "Envy?! Are fucking kidding me?"

"You've always wanted everything I had," Hyunjae stared at Hoseok, "Always wanted to be everything I was. You couldn't be your own person-"

"Shut up."

"Mom and dad had favoritism, but was that my fault?" Hyunjae scoffed.

Hoseok gave his brother a warning look, "I said shut up."

"Hoseok, face it," Hyunjae frowned, lips pursed, "You've always held a grudge against me because they were unfair to you-"

"Penelope was mine!" Hoseok snapped, finally breaking, "She was with me first and you just had to take her away from me because you couldn't handle it when I finally had something to myself! You had to have everything! Everything! Every fucking trophy from every fucking club, the best grades, the biggest fucking room, the car, the best fucking job, the most expensive college, Mom and dad's stupid love and attention! To top it off, you had to take the love of my life because you just had to be better than me at everything!" Hoseok was breathing harshly, and he sat himself down with huff to calm down. He closed his eyes, gripping the armrests in tight fists. Hyunjae was stunned, but more so than stunned, he looked guilty. The younger brother stared at the fire before him, embarrassment melting off of him. Hoseok couldn't dare look at his brother after confessing his love for the woman Hyunjae would soon marry. He couldn't look at him after admitting he was envious of every achievement Hyunjae ever got.

Hyunjae's mouth opened and closed as he tried formulating the right words to say. Ultimately it came down to instinct.

"I didn't know she was the love of your life," Hyunjae sighed, "I'm so sorry, brother."

"You're not my brother," Hoseok snapped, "You treated Sam more like a brother, and it hurts to realize it but it's true."

Hyunjae looked hurt, "Im sorry for failing you as a brother, then."

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