He turned his head, and saw that all the male students were huddled around at the back of the classroom. A dark aura seemed to surround them as they stared at him with hateful glares and mumbled curses at him.

The hell is wrong with this place?

Shaking his head, Suk-chin finally stood up. "It's lunch time, right? I'm going to head to the cafeteria now."

At that, the girls clamored for his attention once again. Trying to get him to sit with them.

Suk-chin was starting to get a little annoyed, but smiled anyways. "Actually, I-"

"Excuse me?" Something that absolutely nobody expected occured.

Suk-chin turned his head to see a boy approaching him. He had medium length brown hair, and brown eyes.

"Yes?" Suk-chin replied, staring at the boy carefully.

"Okay, you said your name was Suk-chin Kang, and that you moved away from Kuoh ten years ago, right?" The brown haired boy asked.

"Yes." Did he have to repeat himself again?

"Uh... my name's Issei Hyoudou. Do you... remember me?"

Suk-chin blinked, staring at Issei for a moment. "I, uh..." He trailed off, suddenly feeling confused.

"You're name is Suk-chin, right? It's nice to meet you!"

Feeling a brief flash of pain shoot through his head, Suk-chin winced slightly, trying to hide the pain as much as possible.

"Yeah... I'm pretty sure I do." He smiled weakly. "Sorry, it was a long time ago, so my memory is a little shaky."

Issei nodded. "That's alright. It's definitely been a while. Haven't seen you since..." Issei trailed off as he recalled an unpleasant memory. "It's been a while." He concluded.

Nodding, Suk-chin looked around. "Yeah... it's nice to see an at least sonewhat familiar face..."

There was a very sudden shift in the air within the classroom.

Before, the male students were glaring at him hatefully with dark auras surrounding them while the female students practically had hearts in their eyes.

But now, the girls also had ominous auras surrounding them, as they stared with evil eyes.

Not at him, however. But at the boy he was talking to.

As a wall of energy manifested by pure hatred cascaded onto them, the girls growled.

"Hyoudou..." Despite it not being directed at him, Suk-chin also reeled back from the sheer animosity that had been poured into that single world.


Suk-chin covered his ears as the girls yelled. He could have sworn he saw the room itself shake.

As he gingerly moved his hands away from his ears, he heard the girls hurl insult after insult at Issei.

"Suk-chin, don't go anywhere near him!" One girl said.

"Yeah! He'll infect you with his vile sickness!"

"He's diseased! Deranged!"

"A rotten pig!"

"Girls, surely... you're kidding, right?" Suk-chin asked. He was standing a few steps back.

"This is no joking matter! He is a criminal that deserves to be executed painfully!" A girl said passionately, and the others nodded vigorously.

DxD: Tempest Lord (Redux)Where stories live. Discover now