Chapter 25: Victorious Expectations!

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~Not my art! I couldn't find artist to give credit, if this is yours or if you know whose it is please reach out to me and let me know!

Hi everyone!

I hope you are doing well. I know its been a while since I have published a new chapter! I needed a little break since the previous two chapters burned me out!

Please enjoy the chapter!

Crying Happiness 💛


"You wanted to see me, Father?" I asked into his office. He was sitting on a cushion with two cups of tea resting before him.

"Yes, come sit" He gestured across from him and I bowed before entering, the maid that had summoned me closing the door behind me. My feet felt like lead as I sat on my knees across from him.

"I had some Jasmine tea made, please enjoy it" Father said, gesturing to the cup. I nodded and gently lifted the cup, bringing it to my lips.

"Your first Kyudo competition is coming up, is it not?" Father asked as if this was a casual conversation. I could feel his eyes on me as I placed the cup back on its saucer. It felt as though he were searching for mistakes, waiting for me to slip up on the proper etiquette.

"It is" I agreed. "Next week" I elaborated.

I've always hated how large this room was. It was a reminder of who my father was. The power that he held. It was suffocating.

"Are you prepared for it?" Father questioned.

"Yes, Father. Though, I will keep practicing until the day of" Against the wall behind my father was a bookcase filled with trophies, medals, ribbons and pictures. The accolades both of my brothers have obtained over the years. I had one at the very bottom, the only bronze against the silvers and golds.

"Good, you don't want to be overconfident of your ability." It was my turn to watch Father pick up his cup and drink his tea.

"Of course not Father." I agreed.

"I also hope to add to my collection" He said, his voice dropping slightly. I knew he was talking about the bookcase behind him, the achievements that I had yet to reach.

"I as well"

Even though those words left my mouth, I wasn't sure if I believed them. I knew of the expectations that were being bestowed upon me, it was what I inherited.

Truth be told, I wasn't that big on learning martial arts. Sure, I knew Karate, but what choice did I have? It was my family legacy and something that was taught to everyone in the household.

While I genuinely enjoyed learning the art of Kyudo at first, it too withered under Father's expectations. The love and drive that I had for it died as soon as the pressure of competing wove its way into my life. It took the fun out of learning the art.

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