Chapter 22: Jungle Pool SOS (Part 2)

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Hi everyone!

You didn't think I would leave you hanging with just part 1 did ya?! Truth be told, I finished both parts, but I needed a break from editing, so this is coming out now, later in the night. Some elements of this chapter were also pulled directly from manga. And I will tell you where at the end!

I hope you enjoy!



Water dripped from the water gun Tamaki was holding as Hikaru and Kaoru stood in front of me, a giant space between them. They also had water guns in their hands.

"What kind of aim was that, Boss?" Hikaru asked the frightened blonde.

"Yeah, you hit Machiko!" Kaoru yelled, acting incredulous.

"Maybe if you two would stand still, I wouldn't have hit her!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"That's not how the game works, Boss" Hikaru told him.

"If we stand still, then you would definitely win" Kaoru added.

"It would serve you two right for sexually harassing my daughter!" Tamaki yelled.

At that, the three of them ran off again, heading towards a small area with a totem pole.

Renge had taken the chance to get back to her platform.

"Just think about what I said!" She said, spinning back underground.

"Gosh... that girl..." I sighed, shaking my head.

I turned back to Tamaki and the twins, right as Tamaki rolled out of control and slammed right into the totem pole. In an instant, red lights appeared through the eyes of each totem, one right after the other as different colors lit up the stone wall around it.

Oof that's gotta hurt. I cringed, feeling the shock of his pain from where I stood.

A shadow passed over me and I turned towards the pool where a giant wave had risen up and was now racing to the other side. I heard it crash against the water and watched my brother's pink bunny floaty shoot up in the air.



Taka-Nii and Haruhi exclaimed at the same time. With horror, I watched my brother get sucked away, the strong current pulling him from one direction to the other.

"Onii-chan!" I screamed as he passed me. I thought about jumping in after him, but the currents seemed so strong that I would have been sucked along with him.

I ran back to where everyone was gathered and noticed that Taka-Nii had jumped in after Onii-chan, struggling to get back to the edge of the pool.

"Taka-Nii!" I stretched out my hand, laying on my stomach at the edge to give myself more length. As soon as I had a firm grip of his hand, I shifted my feet underneath me and pulled as he walked directly through the currents. He let go as soon as he was able to place both of his arms firmly on the edge and pull himself out.

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