Chapter 1: Welcome Back Miko-Chan!

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Hey Everyone!

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Hey Everyone!

Just to let you know, I know this picture doesn't have brown eyes, but please imagine that she does! This is the closest thing I could find 😅😭. I also don't own this picture and all rights go to the artist! (the artist was NOT tagged in the photo, so I don't know who it belongs to...)

Also, in reference to Haruhi's pronouns: I will be using she/her to refer to Haruhi between the characters point of view. In the anime, Haruhi has stated that they didn't really care, and I think it's important  for the boys and to the storyline. 

Thank you for reading, 

Crying_Happiness 💛


The wheels of my suitcase clacked against the tiles as I walked through the crowded airport. I kept my steps slow, for each one felt as though a hammer was being driven into my chest.

It had been two and a half years since I had been home- two and half years since the presence of my mother's death sent me to England.

I remember walking around the family manor almost like a zombie and staring into the room Mama died in for hours on end, feeling the need to escape, but my body feeling too heavy to do so.

I finally begged Papa to let me leave. Mama's missing presence was getting too heavy to bear, and the sense of fleeing became overwhelming. He reluctantly agreed after I had missed school for three weeks.

I don't know if I had gotten over my grief, however; last year, I made myself a promise- a promise that I would return home and attend high school at Ouran Academy.

I was done running, and I knew that this was what Mama would have wanted.

"You're going to be okay, Machiko" I said to myself, stopping my trek through the crowd and pressing the fingers of my free hand to my chest. I pointed my head downwards, trying to focus on my breath. "Everything is going..."

"Miko-chan!" A voice yelled over the clatter of the crowd, making me snap my head up. A familiar smile and head of blonde hair was flying through the air towards me, soaring over the stunned crowd.

I quickly dropped my bag and walked ahead a few steps, stretching my arms out to catch the small boy.

His momentum spun us a few times as he fell into my arms. I gripped him as tight he was holding onto me, neither of us wanting to let go of the other.

Mitsukuni and I went most of our lives being mistaken for twins. We had the same colored hair and eyes, and with me being taller than him, people didn't believe he was a little older than I was.

"Hi Onii-chan" I said as he dug his face into my shirt. I petted the back of his head, soaking in the comfort that I felt by the hug. "What are you doing here?"

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