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~ Masashi Morinozuka (She has dark eyes like her brother)

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~ Masashi Morinozuka (She has dark eyes like her brother)

Hey, Hey, Hey!

So I have come to the conclusion that the chapters I write away from the series takes me a whole lot longer to write. I think that is because I don't have the script written out for me already 😂. I apologize in advance if anyone seems out of character! I still hope you guys enjoy this chapter though!




"WHAT THE HELL?!" I snapped at the twins, covering both of my shoulders with my hands. Their eyes turned into upside down hats, and their tongues stuck out at me, pissing me off. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I snapped again, my cheeks feeling like they were on fire.

"Were you not listening?" Hikaru questioned.

"We want everyone to know that you're ours," Kaoru stated. They were pushing in close to me again, their lips curving wide on their faces. "Besides..."

"It's not our fault your shoulders are so kissable~" They said in unison. They were so close, I thought they were going to kiss my cheeks.

"Why you..." I ground out, my fist enlarging; ready to send the pair of them into the sky.

"Hey guys! What are we doing up here? Mind if I join?!" I deflated as soon as I heard my brother's voice. I snapped my head back and looked up to find him smiling down at us from a few branches above.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea Honey-senpai" Kaoru said looking up at the smaller boy. "I don't know if the branch will hold all of us"

"That's okay! Miko-chan and I can sit up here!" Mitsu reached down and hooked both hands under my arms, effortlessly lifting me up onto the branch above where I was sitting.

"Onii-chan, what are you-" I started as he slipped himself in my lap.

"It's okay Miko-chan" My brother assured, patting my head. "Your older brother is here now"

"I'm happy you're here... but why are..." I trailed off as he hummed over me, his arms snaked around my neck and his legs swinging in the air.

"What do you mean, Miko-chan? Why wouldn't I want to hang out with my baby sister?" He questioned, a look of curiosity spread upon his face

It was then that I realized he was being overprotective again.

~Fifteen minutes later~

"Don't be shy Miko-chan, I'll share whatever dessert you want!" Mitsukuni beamed as he took a big chunk of a key lime cake.

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