Chapter 5: You Will Become... THE CHAMELEON!

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Hey Everyone~!

Wow, another chapter in the middle of the week. I kind of like this scheduling better, so think I will either make Tuesday or Thursday my posting day... but we will see how that goes 😅. Anyway, thank you rinatthedisco for my first ever votes on this story! So glad you are enjoying it!

Now onto the chapter!



Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. I frantically thought, searching the room for an exit. I couldn't believe I let it slip- especially being so careful the first time!

A gleam crossed Kyoya's glasses, blocking me from seeing his eyes as he pushed them up his nose. He then turned and unlocked the door, opening it to a crowd of people just beyond.

"Mori-Senpai, if you wouldn't mind" The Ootori boy stated as my cousin stepped into the doorway. I could see a confused look cross upon his face as he looked between me and the raven haired boy.

"N-Now w-wait T-T-T-Taka-nii" I said, holding up my hands. "It's just a misunderstanding!" My cousin now towered over me, his hand reaching out and gently grabbing my wrist. He pulled me over his shoulder.

I kicked as hard as I could, and threw my hands all around, trying to make it harder for him to keep hold of me. I was careful to not actually hit him- for I just wanted him to let me go- but his grip was too strong.

"Kyo-chan, what happened?" My older brother questioned, looking at him. "Why are you treating my baby sister this way?"

"I'm afraid I have no choice Honey-senpai" Kyoya's voice spoke, a gleam still crossing his glasses. "I'm sorry."

Takashi walked me over to a couch and gently put me down, an apology crossing his features as he looked at me. I gave him a small smile, trying to convey that it was okay. I knew he was going to beat himself up over this.

"Kyoya" The tall blonde started. "What is the meaning of this? Why are you treating a woman in such a barbaric way? Honey-Senpai's little sister no less." The four of them stood in front of me just beyond the coffee table that had been set in front of the couch. I could still feel the panic coursing through me, but I stopped looking for an escape plan and started to tug at my fingers anxiously.

"What did you do?" Hikaru Hitachiin questioned as he and his brother leaned on the back of the couch just above my head. He kept his voice low, just above a whisper.

"Yeah, it's hardly ever we see Kyoya-Senpai this worked up" Kaoru stated, also keeping his voice low. I was about to tell them everything that had happened, when Ootori spoke first.

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