Chapter 3- Riddled in Rumours

Start from the beginning

"Why do your eyes look like that?" I spoke without thinking, having to take a moment to regain my composure at how silly that question came out as. I sounded like a pre-school bully, one of those annoying kids that no one liked and would grow up to either join a gang or die young from having so much debt to pay back to the said gang.

"My eyes?" She was confused for a moment, until a surprised little gasp left her lips.

"Oh, I forgot to wear contacts... Now, he's really going to be angry." She cussed at herself, her head falling to look at the ground, seeming ashamed of herself.

"You need glasses?" I curiously asked, almost smiling at the cute picture of her with glasses that I put in my head.

"No, I don't like my eyes... So, I wear contacts." That was a lie... I've been in the acting industry for over 10 years, and I can tell bad acting from good acting as easily as breathing air at this point. The question is, why is she lying? Or rather, who's making her have to lie?

"You've got unique eyes." I stated, watching as she slowly picked her head up to look at me.

"...I am aware of that."

"You shouldn't cover them." Standing up straight, I carefully brushed her fringe out of her eyes, clearing the view to be able to see her eyes, and as my hands rested on her cheeks, she blinked up at me, surprised as I smiled a small smile at her.

"They're beautiful." And she blushed, cheeks staining a deep pink colour.

"Thank you." She mumbled, embarrassed.

"You're a very thankful person." I stated, having spoken from observation, but she seemed surprised by the said observation.

"I am?"

"Yes; You don't know me, or what my intentions with you are, but you've said thank you a number of times for all little things. It's not bad, it's just something I noticed," I politely explained, gesturing for her to take a seat on the couch which she did after a moment.

"I guess I am; A thankful person, I mean... I've recently come to the realisation of how important the little things in life are, and how I should cherish them more. I need to grasp onto every bit of happiness that I can." She spoke to herself more than to me, but as I heard her words, I couldn't help but grow more curious of her.

"But, you too..." She looked me in the eyes, gracing me with yet another smile.

"What?" I asked, confused on what she was referring to.

"Your eyes. They're the same colour as his, but for some reason, his eyes have never looked as beautiful as yours." I gulped back the questions of who exactly 'he' was when she leaned in, entranced by my said eyes, and apparently, unaware of the position she was putting herself in.

"I can see a sunflower, a bright big one that's smiling under the summer sun. Either that, or it's like a Kaleidescope of the sun and moon eclipsing, a mirror within a mirror. And like moondust, as if Selene herself is hiding in their depths, there are flecks of gold..." She spoke like a poet, unaware of the magic her words wove into my heart. She made my eyes sound like one of a kind, but before this moment, I've never thought that. They were just a pair of hazel eyes, nothing more. 

She spoke as though she's never seen her own eyes, and I couldn't even begin to wonder, that if she were able to make my eyes sound so magical, what unique concoction of words would she use to describe her own.

"Are you a poet?" I asked, breaking her out of her trance as she blinked, quickly sitting back up straight as if never having moved in the first place.

"No. I'm a singer." I knew that, but I didn't say anything.

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