Chapter 19 - Priority

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(Hi everyone! sorry this chapter took longer and is shorter than usual, Im currently in the midst of Uni essays.)

As you walked with Harvey towards the clinic, you couldn't help but feel disappointed that you had to leave the party early. You were having fun with your friends and having a good time, but now all you could think about was the throbbing pain at the back of your head.

Harvey led you inside the clinic and sat you down on the examination table. He took a closer look at the wound and cleaned it up before applying some antiseptic cream. You winced as he touched the sore spot, but you knew he was just doing his job.

"Take these painkillers, they will numb any pain from the injury." Harvey said, handing you two pills and a glass of water. You placed both on your tongue, one after the other, and swallowed the tablets. You paused afterwards, Harvey looking visibly stressed as he typed at his computer.

"What's wrong?" You asked without thinking.

Harvey sighed, looking up from the computer screen to meet your eyes. "I can't keep you safe Evangeline, and you seem to put yourself in situations where the injury is avoidable." He spoke, his tone frustrated. You were taken aback by his words, feeling as if you were being told off for having fun.

"I just thought you would of learnt your lesson from the previous time." He sighed, looking over the wound again.

"I was just having fun." You mumbled, diverting your gaze away from Harvey's.

"There's a vast difference between having fun and acting irresponsibly. How do you think I'd feel if you hurt yourself badly and I couldn't-" He begun.

"What, save me?" You shot back, feeling like a total burden. "I'm sorry I make you do your job!" You exclaimed, the alcohol propelling your emotions, tears welling in your eyes.

"It was an accident! I was caught up in feeling good." You muttered towards the end. "I'm sorry you have to constantly save me, I'm sorry okay?" Harvey looked shocked. Months of suppressing an unknown bout of emotions from your days in the city had finally blown its roof.

"Is that all I am to everyone? A burden." Your drunken words stumbled across the room, Harvey sighing in guilt of making you feeling this way.

"No, no. Honey," Harvey began, moving his chair towards you. "I didn't mean that..." He sighed, taking your hand in both of his. "Your safety is a priority to me, because wether or not you like it... you are a priority to me." He weakly smiled, your mind calming to his words.

"I am?" you asked quietly.

"Yes." He smiled.

The guilt of your emotions set it. You didn't realise how badly you had snapped until you saw Harvey's sunken face. It's true, in the city you had felt like a burden to everyone close to you. Especially to your family and ex. You didn't want to feel like that again, as it was one of the reasons you left to begin with. It was the thought of Harvey thinking of you like that scared you.

"Why am I such an idiot."You sighed. "I'm sorry." You apologised, feeling very embarrassed for getting so worked up.

"You seem to be a very clumsy drunk dear, but it doesn't make you an idiot." Harvey added smiling, taking off his medical gloves. You grinned weakly, appreciating his attempts to lighten the mood.

"Thanks for taking care of me, Harvey," you said, genuinely grateful for his compassion.

"Don't say thank you." He responded. "Just please be more careful Evangeline, you seem to have a habit of getting yourself injured in some horrific, yet avoidable way." He chuckled, letting go of your hand.

"I'm sorry, I just always had a filter on when I was in the city, and I guess that filter is coming off now and I can't control it." You muttered, feeling bad about worrying Harvey and making him work out of hours.

Harvey nodded, and you could see the subtle concern in his eyes. "Just promise me you'll be more careful from now on, okay? I can't have you getting hurt." You nodded in agreement, feeling a wave of guilt wash over you. "I promise, I'll try to be more mindful of my actions."

"How are you feeling?" Harvey asked, looking straight into your gaze with his piercing eyes. "Better." You replied, feeling the energy shift between the two of you.

"Let's get you back to the party then." He stood, offering you his hand from the table. You smiled, taking his hand in yours, a feeling which sent waves of electricity through your body upon remembering the night you spent together. "But no more alcohol, and I'd recommend you don't dance on anymore tables."

- Morning -

Harvey had walked you home from the party. Towards the end you had sobered up and your headache had faded. You apologised to Haley for being a drunken idiot, and she had just giggled and told you not to think twice about it.

You examined your wound as best as you could in a mirror. It seemed to be okay as it had scabbed over.

You walked downstairs to your living room. A note on your nightstand caught your eye. You walked over to it and picked it up, unfolding it to read the message inside. It was from Leah, thanking you for being there for her on her celebration, expressing how much your friendship meant to her.

Maybe your drunken idiocy wasn't the worst thing in the world after-all.

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