Chapter 1: Takeoff

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Author's Note: Thank you, Vira and Jai.

The explosion cracked the silence and split the heavy rain. The shockwave it created rocked the wet road, making the bus driver lose his grip on the steering wheel and swerve to the left. The forty-tonne orange bus was suddenly thrown off balance and got knocked over to its side, causing human bodies and luggage inside to float in the air for a second before gravity pulled and slammed them to the ground.

The massive vehicle screeched as it was sliding uncontrollably on the road. Sparks were flying out from the friction of the metal body and the asphalt road before it completely stopped more than three hundred metres away.

Screams of panic and fear filled the air and so did groans of pain. Most lights inside the bus had gone off at the time of the impact, making it hard to see what was really going on or who was groaning in pain.

Abruptly, there were forceful poundings and blood-curling shouts outside the bus, making the already frightening situation petrifying. Inside the bus, the screams and groans stopped. There was an eerie lull while the tension rose.

Four days previously.

"This shall be an interesting trip!" a jolly handsome man in his early forties said as he showed a toothy grin to the other two men.

The three of them were walking to a car that would take them across the airport apron to their rented private jet.

"You're just happy to be away from your wife, you rascal," the man with a well-kept thin moustache and a scar under the right side of his mouth replied as he went inside the car.

The jolly man laughed aloud. "Just for five days, Shotty, just for five days. A man does need some time and space away from his wife to keep the love going. What's that quote again, AB? Separation makes the heart tender?" he asked the third man in the group when the car started to move.

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder," the tall lanky man promptly replied. His deep-set eyes and attention were not really in the conversation. He was busy observing the line of planes parked on that apron while the car smoothly passed them by.

"Ah yeah. That!"

Moony's half shout finally caught AB's full attention. He turned his head to look at his colleague and mocked him. "Shotty was right, though. You're way too happy, Moony. It's not like we're heading for Vegas. It's a quiet mining town we're going to."

"I'm just excited about the trip. This is the first time the company sent us together on an abroad trip. Usually, I only get to go with Shotty. And when you and I do go together for a trip, it's regional."

"You lovers are so sweet. Keep kissing AB's arse, Moony. You may get promoted soon."

"Oh, shut up, Shotty. Just because I don't enjoy going with you as much as I enjoy going with AB, it doesn't mean that I want to get promoted. Although, a promotion would be nice." Moony laughed with his carefree manner. "Do say something nice about me to your girlfriend J in the HRD. I need more than just eighty per cent for my overall performance in this year's appraisal to be considered for a promotion."

"First of all, Jaya is not my girlfriend. We do go out every now and then, but she's free to go out with whomever she likes just as I go out with whomever I like. I never promise her anything and she knows it. Second, and this is the most important one, Moony, if only you had more ambition, you would be in my position years ago. Admit it. You like your easygoing self and career."

Moony grinned. "What can I say, pal? Life is not only about work for me, unlike you and Shotty. I enjoy my downtime with my children and wife more than I do with the office desk. Go get married and you'll see what I'm talking about."

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