Chapter Thirty-Six.

Começar do início

Reacting the only way he knew how, he threw a punch to my face, the impact on my jaw knocking me sideways for a moment. Once I'd recovered, I couldn't stop myself from laughing. "Come on then 'Big Man Tariq', show me what you're made of..." I taunted, wanting him to throw yet another punch my way.

Before I even had time to prepare, we were in the midst of a full on fist-fight, both of us throwing punches left, right and centre. I swear I even heard the sound of a bone snapping or something. I could feel the blood pouring down my face and my knuckles were red raw from the impact I was hitting Tariq at. 

Scrambling back to my feet, allowing him to do the same, he went for me again but two of Eugene's gang pulled him back, holding him tightly against them, making sure he was looking me dead in the eyes which were no longer chocolate brown, but black with fury.

Detracting my gaze away, I glanced up at the bridge above us, pointing up at it so he would also look at it. Gazing back at Tariq, I kept my finger firmly pointed up at the bridge; "You want to prove how much Lindsay means to you? I dare you to jump..." I propositioned, wanting to know how much of a man he was to take it on.

I physically saw him gulp at the thought. I never had Tariq Siddiqui down as a wimp, but heights clearly aren't his thing. However, he tried to maintain his 'gangsta' reputation all throughout, but I knew in reality he was crapping himself. "Nah man, I ain't killing myself for you!" He yelled, still struggling to break free of the grasp the two MSB boys had on him.

Laughing at his response, I began heading over to the slope that led up to the bridge. "Scared, are we?" I taunted, beginning to climb the slope until I reached the top. "Well, if you aren't willing to prove how much Lindsay means to you, then I guess I'll have too." I announced, taking a step onto the bridge's edge as I began shuffling myself into the middle, holding on for dear life.

Just as I was about to turn around, I heard the blaring sound of a car horn in the distance followed by the screeching of the brakes as it halted. Hearing a car door opening, I turned around to see that Lindsay and Mr. Byrne had followed us here. Great...this is all I need!

"I don't know what's going on here, but besides Tariq and Finn, everyone else needs to clear off!" Mr. Byrne announced but it fell on deaf ears and was just met by the sounds of laughter. "Unless you want the police to be called..." He added and with that sentence, Eugene and the rest of the Murray Set Boyz ran off, leaving me stranded.

"Finn, what are you doing up there?!" I heard the angelic voice of Lindsay speak. I still hadn't even turned around, more so for the fact I felt quite sick being up here. 

"I'm proving how much you mean to me..." I shouted back, needing her to be able to hear me from the height difference I was at.

Lindsay's P.O.V

"I'm proving how much you mean to me..." He spoke, but I had to listen very clearly because the wind was quite high and he was at a considerable height difference to me.

I'm not sure how I feel at the moment. Part of me is confused because how does standing on the edge of a bridge prove how much I mean to someone but then the other half of me just felt pure awkward because I was currently stood by a bridge with my current boyfriend, ex-boyfriend and father.

"Can you come down please?" I yelled, hoping that he heard me above the wind. "Tariq, what the hell is going on?" I questioned, needing him to shed some light on what was happening.

"I could ask you the same thing..." He spat, glaring at me. "According to Finn, you're planning on breaking up with me?" He questioned, although I struggled to focus on anything he was saying because the wind was picking up considerably and if Finn didn't get down soon, there could be disastrous consequences.

The Bad Boy of Waterloo RoadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora