She didn't even say goodbye.

And that was the last time Taehyung saw his mother..


Taehyung's pov:

I woke up with a gasp, sweat dripping off my face and tears blurring my vision as I sat up.

The darkness of the room tells me it's still night time but my heart is racing a thousand miles an hour.

I can't remember the last time I had a nightmare. But god why did it have to be that? The memory of that night? That awful night.

I sucked in a shaky breath before choking on a sob. Quickly covering my mouth so I don't wake Jungkook up.

He was beside me, deep in sleep. His shirtless body passed out against the soft bedding.

I clutched the duvet in a fist and desperately tried to get my breathing under control. As well as to erase my mind of that memory. But it only made me cry more.

The memory of my mother leaving. The night we became a three.

The fact that she didn't even say goodbye let alone leave a message.

Her happy birthday call rings in my head from a few days ago. And I think that's the culprit as to why i've suddenly had this flashback.

I let my eyes fall closed as I inhale deeply through my nose. Trying not to cry as I counted in my head before releasing a shaky breath. Repeating the step a few times until my tears stopped falling and began to dry on my cheeks.

I looked over to the bedside table to see it was only one in the morning. And despite calming myself down, I still felt incredibly uneasy. Like I was going to be sick.

I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. But the images remained circling in my head and I could feel myself getting worked up once again.

Not wanting to feel so alone, I turned on my side to face Jungkook. It was hard to make him out in the dark room but I found myself shuffling close to him and lifting the covers. Before snuggling my body into his shirtless chest, sighing in relief at the comfort.

Jungkook remained asleep but he wraps his arms securely around me in his slumber and held me close. Doing wonders in helping me to ease my anxiety.

I breathed in his body, his scent remaining of vanilla and my perfume that I had jokingly sprayed on him once he got out of the shower earlier.

But it made me smile as I rested my face into his chest.

His heart beat hummed away soothingly. Grounding me as I focused all my attention on listening to the rhythmic beat. So calm and so stable.

But my heart was full of guilt and sorrow.

I missed Haru so much. So much that it was taking everything in me right now to not cry because that would surely wake Jungkook.

But that flashback reminded me of how tiny and sweet my baby brother is. How much i've missed by him being away.

I want to hold him in my arms once again and rock him and make him laugh. Hear that adorable giggle and see that box smile that matches my own.

I don't care if it triggers little me and it causes me to fight the feeling. It's worth it to be with Haru. To spend time with him. I should've fought with my dad harder the day they left. But I was in too much shock. I handed Haru over cowardly and watched as they drove away.

God I wish he was here right now.


I only managed to fall asleep around ten minutes before Jungkook woke up. Which sucked because college starts again in three days and I want as much rest as possible. But I was awake the whole night..

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