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Chapter Ten: Saying Goodbye

Jade sat in her car outside of Clara's funeral home, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. She had just found out that Clara had passed away months ago, and she couldn't believe that she hadn't known.

It had been a shock to hear the news, and Jade couldn't help but feel guilty. She had been so caught up in her own life that she hadn't even realized that one of her closest friends had passed away.

Tears streamed down Jade's face as she thought about all the memories that she had shared with Clara. She couldn't believe that she would never see her again, and she couldn't shake the feeling of regret that had settled over her.

Jade took a deep breath and stepped out of her car, making her way towards the funeral home. As she walked through the doors, she was greeted by the somber atmosphere of the room. People were gathered around, some crying, others comforting each other.

Jade felt a lump form in her throat as she made her way towards the casket. There, lying peacefully, was Clara. She looked so serene, like she was just sleeping, but Jade knew that she was gone forever.

Jade felt a wave of sadness wash over her as she thought about all the things that she had never said to Clara. She wished that she had been there for her, especially during her final moments.

Jade made her way towards Clara's family, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry," she whispered to them, her voice barely audible.

Clara's mother turned to her, her eyes red from crying. "Jade, it's good to see you. Clara always talked about you."

Jade felt a pang of guilt in her chest as she thought about all the times that she had neglected her friendship with Clara. She had been so caught up in her own life that she had forgotten how important Clara was to her.

"I'm so sorry that I wasn't here for her," Jade said, her voice trembling. "I didn't even know that she had passed away until now."

Clara's mother looked at her sympathetically. "It's okay, Jade. Clara knew how much you loved her. She would want you to remember all the good times that you shared together."

Jade nodded, tears streaming down her face. She wished that she could have just one more conversation with Clara, to tell her how much she loved her and how much she regretted not being there for her.

As she made her way towards Clara's casket, Jade felt like her heart was breaking. She had never felt so much pain and sadness before, and she knew that it would take a long time to heal.

Jade knelt down beside the casket, her tears falling onto the white satin. "I'm so sorry, Clara," she whispered. "I wish that I had been there for you. I wish that I had told you how much you meant to me."

Jade felt like she was suffocating under the weight of her guilt and regret. She wished that she could turn back time and make things right, but she knew that it was too late.

As she made her way out of the funeral home, Jade felt a sense of emptiness settle over her. She knew that she would never be the same again, that a part of her had died with Clara.

But she also knew that she had to learn from her mistakes and cherish the relationships that she had in her life. She vowed to never take anyone for granted again and to always express her love and appreciation for those that were important to her.

As she drove away from the funeral home, Jade knew that it would be a long road to healing. But she also knew that Clara would always hold a special place in her heart, and that she would never forget the impact that she had on her life.

Jade realized that saying goodbye to Clara was one of the hardest things that she had ever had to do, but she knew that it was necessary for her to move forward. She knew that Clara would want her to live a happy and fulfilling life, and that was what she was going to do, in honor of her dear friend.

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