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Chapter Eight: The Anniversary Surprise

Jade had been planning Kyle's 10th anniversary surprise for weeks. She had taken cooking classes and practiced making his favorite Italian pasta and baking him a cake. She wanted everything to be perfect for their special day.

On the morning of their anniversary, Jade woke up at 2 am to start preparing the dishes. She wanted everything to be fresh and perfect when she surprised Kyle later that day.

As she finished the dishes, Jade sent messages to Kyle to let him know she was on her way. But there was no response. She thought he was still asleep, so she decided to head to his condo unit to surprise him with the delicious meal she had prepared.

Jade had a spare card key and knew the passcode, so she easily made her way into his unit. But as she stood outside his door, she heard a lot of moaning coming from inside. She double-checked to make sure it was the right unit, and it was.

Jade's heart started pounding in her chest as she realized what was happening. She couldn't believe that Kyle would cheat on her, especially on their 10th anniversary.

She slowly opened the door, hoping that she was wrong, but the sight in front of her confirmed her worst fears. Kyle was in bed with another woman, and they were both naked.

Jade's world came crashing down around her as she stood frozen in the doorway. She didn't know what to do or say. All she could do was stare at the scene in front of her.

Kyle looked up and saw Jade standing there, and his face went pale. "Jade, I can explain," he stammered.

But Jade didn't want to hear it. She turned and ran out of the condo, tears streaming down her face. She felt humiliated and heartbroken, and she couldn't believe that Kyle would do this to her.

As she stumbled down the hallway, she heard Kyle calling after her, but she didn't stop. She just kept running until she was out of the building and in her car.

Jade's hands were shaking as she tried to start the engine. She felt like her world had fallen apart, and she didn't know what to do next. She thought about calling Clara or Mark, but she didn't want to burden them with her problems.

Instead, she drove to a nearby park and sat on a bench, trying to make sense of what had just happened. She couldn't believe that Kyle would cheat on her, especially on their 10th anniversary.

Jade spent the rest of the day in a daze, trying to come to terms with what had happened. She couldn't eat or sleep, and all she could think about was Kyle with another woman.

The next few days were a blur of tears and heartache. Jade didn't want to leave her apartment or talk to anyone. She felt like her life had been shattered, and she didn't know how to pick up the pieces.

But after a few days, Jade realized that she couldn't let Kyle's betrayal define her. She decided to reach out to Clara and Mark, and they were both there for her, offering their love and support during this difficult time.

Jade also started seeing a therapist, and she began to work through her feelings of betrayal and heartbreak. It was a long and painful process, but she slowly started to heal.

Months went by, and Jade started to feel like herself again. She had built a stronger relationship with her friends and had even started dating again. But she knew that she would always carry the pain of Kyle's betrayal with her.

On the one-year anniversary of the day that she had found Kyle with another woman, Jade decided to do something for herself. She went to an Italian restaurant and ordered her favorite pasta dish, and she even had a slice of cake for dessert.

As she sat there, enjoying her meal, she realized that she had come a long way since that fateful day. She had learned to love and trust herself again, and she knew that she would never let anyone treat her the way Kyle had.

Jade smiled to herself as she finished her meal, feeling proud of how far she had come. She knew that she couldn't change the past, but she could control her future, and that was enough for her.

As Jade left the restaurant, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that she had come a long way since that day, and she was grateful for all the love and support that she had received from her friends and family.

She also realized that she had learned a valuable lesson about relationships. She had always thought that love was enough, but now she knew that it was not. Trust and respect were just as important, and she wouldn't settle for anything less.

Jade decided to take a break from dating for a while and focus on herself. She started taking yoga classes and went on long walks in the park. She also started painting again, something she had always loved but had neglected for years.

As she worked on her painting, Jade felt a sense of joy and peace that she hadn't felt in a long time. She realized that it was okay to be alone and to focus on herself. She didn't need a man to make her happy.

Months went by, and Jade continued to work on herself. She had a new sense of confidence and purpose, and she knew that she was capable of anything she set her mind to. She also knew that she would never let anyone treat her the way Kyle had.

One day, as she was walking through the park, she ran into Mark. They hadn't seen each other in a while, and they hugged each other tightly.

"Jade, it's so good to see you," Mark said, smiling.

Jade grinned back, "It's good to see you too, Mark. How have you been?"

Mark shrugged, "I've been okay. Just busy with work and stuff. How about you?"

Jade smiled, "I've been good. I've been focusing on myself and doing things that make me happy."

Mark nodded, "That's great, Jade. You deserve to be happy."

They spent the next few hours catching up and talking about everything under the sun. It felt good to be with Mark again, and Jade realized that she had missed him.

As they were walking back to their cars, Mark turned to Jade, "Jade, I know that we've been friends for a long time, but I wanted to ask you something."

Jade looked at him curiously, "What is it, Mark?"

He hesitated for a moment before saying, "Jade, I've always had feelings for you. I know that you went through a tough time with Kyle, but I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you. I care about you, Jade, and I want to be with you."

Jade was taken aback, not expecting Mark to say that. She thought about it for a moment before saying, "Mark, I care about you too, but I'm not ready for a relationship right now. I need more time to focus on myself."

Mark nodded, "I understand, Jade. Take all the time you need. I just wanted you to know how I feel."

As Jade drove home, she couldn't help but think about Mark's confession. She had always thought of him as a friend, but now she realized that he had feelings for her.

Jade knew that she wasn't ready for a relationship yet, but she also knew that she cared about Mark. She wasn't sure what the future held, but she was open to the possibility of something more.

For now, Jade was content with her life. She had learned to love and trust herself again, and she knew that she was capable of anything she set her mind to. She also knew that she had amazing friends and family who loved and supported her, and that was enough for her.

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