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Chapter Six

Graduation had come and gone, and I was still reeling from the experience. It felt like the end of an era, and I wasn't sure what the future held.

But one thing I did know was that I had applied to my dream universities, and I was waiting anxiously for the results to come out.

I had been in constant contact with Clara and Mark since we had all gone home to our respective provinces. It was already 1:30, and the results were supposed to be out by now. We were all on a call together, trying to distract ourselves from the nerves.

"I can't take this anymore," I said, pacing around my room. "Why haven't the results come out yet?"

Mark tried to get into his portal, and we all held our breath as it loaded. Suddenly, he let out a yell of excitement.

"I got in!" he shouted, his voice full of joy.

We all cheered, happy for our friend. Clara quickly checked her portal and let out a sob of relief.

"I got in too!" she exclaimed, her voice shaking with emotion.

We all went silent as I tried to load my portal. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I waited for the results to come up.

And then, finally, it loaded.

I cried tears of joy as I saw the words "Congratulations, you have been accepted" on my screen. We all cried and screamed in joy as we found out that we had all gotten into our chosen universities and programs.

Clara got into tourism, Mark got into the Legal Management program, and I had passed three of my Pre-Med choices: Nursing, Behavioral Sciences, and Neuroscience.

As we talked excitedly about our future plans, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I had worked so hard to get here, and it had all paid off.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It was Ryan, asking if I had gotten in.

I replied back, telling him that I had passed. He sent me a video of him screaming in joy, and I couldn't help but smile.

And then, I got a text from my parents. "Congratulations, results are out. We're proud of you."

I was stunned. My parents hardly ever said things like that, and it meant the world to me.

I shared the news with Clara and Mark, and we all cried tears of joy together. We had come so far, and we were all going to achieve our dreams.

As the excitement started to die down, Clara asked, "So, what's next?"

Mark replied, "Well, I think we should celebrate! We should plan a trip or something."

I nodded eagerly, "Yes! That's a great idea. We should definitely do something to commemorate this moment."

We all started brainstorming about what we could do to celebrate. Clara suggested going on a beach trip, while Mark suggested going on a road trip.

I spoke up, "I think we should do something that we've never done before. Something that will challenge us and push us out of our comfort zones."

Clara and Mark looked at each other, intrigued by the idea.

"Like what?" Mark asked.

I paused, thinking for a moment. "What about skydiving?"

Clara and Mark's eyes widened in shock.

"Are you serious?" Clara exclaimed.

I nodded, "Yeah! Why not? It's something we've never done before, and it could be a great way to push ourselves out of our comfort zones."

Mark grinned, "I'm in!"

Clara hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Okay, let's do it!"

We all exchanged excited grins, thrilled at the prospect of trying something new and exhilarating.

As we continued to plan our skydiving adventure, I couldn't help but feel grateful for my friends. They had always been there for me, supporting my dreams and pushing me to be my best self.

With their support, I knew that anything was possible.

I sat back in my chair, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me. I had accomplished so much, and I knew that the future held even more possibilities.

As we said our goodbyes and hung up the call, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the friends I had. They had been there for me through thick and thin, and I knew they always would be.

The future was full of possibilities, and I was excited to see where it would take us.

As I drifted off to sleep that night, I couldn't help but dream about the adventures that lay ahead.

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