I Still Love You

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Third POV

4 Years Later

Ziggy sat down on her couch stroking Major Tom as he slept on her lap. Her attention was on the tv that was airing Maya becoming the newest Sheriff of Police. Ziggy watched as the pervious Sheriff continued his retirement speech. Once he finished and called for Maya to come up stage the camera changed to now showing the Police Officers clapping and Maya standing up. Before she leaves the officer sitting beside her stands up and the two hug. Once they pull apart Ziggy recognizes the officer as Nick Goode.

Nick hasn't changed much since the four years that have passed. The only difference is he is now taller but he still has the same hairstyle from the last time she saw him. Maya receives a pat on the shoulder by Nick.

As Maya walks up the stage Ziggy notices that Maya has grown slightly taller as well but other than that she still looked like the same Maya that she saw 4 years ago before Ziggy broke up with her. Allison was sitting on stage besides Nick's wife, Amelia who smiles proudly at Maya clapping her hands. Allison gets up from her seat to hug Maya. The camera zooms in on them hugging and Ziggy could see Allison crying as the two hugged. Maya whispers something in Allison's ear before the two pull apart and she wipes Allison tears she kisses Maya's cheek before she walks back to her seat. Maya shook hands with the pervious Sheriff he then walks away and sits down in one of the empty chairs that's on the stage.

It took 4 years for Maya to become not just the newest Sheriff but the youngest Sheriff at the age of 22 years old. She followed in her dad's footsteps just like he wanted her to do and is now Sheriff like he was before he passed away.

The crowd continues clapping in congratulations for Maya who smiles in appreciation.

Once the crowd calms down Maya begins her speech, "Before my father passed away, he told me to continue on his legacy and so I did by joining the force and now I stand here before you all as the Sheriff just like he was before. I hope I can live up to be an amazing Sheriff like he was who kept the citizens and town safe. I promise that I'll protect this town with my life." Maya pauses as the crowd claps.

"I'll like to thank my mom for supporting me and for being a fantastic mother. I know I wasn't the easiest kid to deal with." Maya jokingly says in the end, and you can see Allison in the background laughing.

Maya continues her speech, "In all seriousness thank you, mom for being there for me through my highest to my lowest, and for being supportive of me. I love you mom." Maya turns to face Allison in the end of her speech Allison mouths 'I love you too'.

Maya turns back facing the crowd again, "Secondly, I'll like to thank my cousin, Nick Goode. Nick your not just my cousin but the brother I never had we been through hell and back since we were kids to when we joined the Police Force and we still do to this day. We always had each other back and I can never thank you enough for being there for me." Maya says smiling, "And lastly I'll like to thank a friend of mine who I'm sure is watching this. I honestly think there is no words to describe this person and the effect they'd left in my life so I'll just say this thank you for entering my life you changed my life in ways I can never explain and for that I'm thankful and I just want you to remember that you are worth everything. Thank you everyone." Maya finishes and everyone stand up clapping as Allison hugs Maya who hugs her back soon Nick and Amelia join the hug.

Ziggy turns off the tv and sets the remote on the table were their laid a party invitation she picks up the party invite and stares at the party invitation card. It was a invite to Maya's celebration party. She knew that it was Maya who send her the invite because she was there with Cindy when Allison dropped by Cindy's house to give her the party invite and mentioned that Maya was driving to Ziggy house to invite her to the party.

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