Chapter 26 - Daddy's little boy.

Start from the beginning

"So you're open to the idea there is more?" Paul upped the Alpha voice and instantly saw the effect it had on Cyrus. He sat a little straighter and planted his feet flat on the ground ready to jump up and run.

"Have you noticed anything about me and my men that has struck you as unusual? You're a smart boy, I"m sure you've picked up a vibe from us." 

The Alpha voice went up a notch and Cyrus started to squirm. It doesn't have the same effect on humans as it does on Lycan and werewolves but humans can sense the power, feel it in their bones like any other animal.

Suddenly, Cyrus felt parched. He undid a couple of buttons on his shirt, it was getting hotter. He wasn't sure why, nothing had changed but he was tensing up ready to defend himself. Was Paul threatening him, he didn't understand where the conversation was going.

"To be honest." He braced himself. "You are all scary as shit." In a moment of panic, he pulled his cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one up. "I haven't made up my mind if your mafia, mercenaries,  corporate gangsters, black ops...I'm pretty sure you're into some weird shit."

He was on a roll and puffed away at his cigarette.  "In my job, I have met all sorts but I've never come across people like you and your team. Then there's Theodore and his lot, well they just don't even look human." 

Not sure where the conversation was going Cyrus was losing patience. "I thought we agreed. I would explain where I'd been and you would explain the pair of wolves in your room and why you all looked like you wanted to murder me."

"We're getting to that."  Paul leaned forward and looked up and down the boardwalk.  It was a work day and the area was quiet, no one was around.  "You said we're scary but are you scared of us?  There's a difference."    

Paul stood up, his hands in his pockets, and strolled to the edge of the path.  He looked down at the water lapping gently against the piers.  Once again he looked up and down the boardwalk. Cyrus watched him, why did he feel like he was being led somewhere dangerous, the edge of a cliff, into a lion's den?

"Cyrus."  Paul used the full force of his alpha voice and saw the boy shudder.  "I'm expecting a lot from you.  Please don't let me down."  

The sun was behind Paul as he slowly walked back towards him.  "Are you scared of me Cyrus?" 

He didn't need to think about it.  "No, not really."  He put his hand up to his face to shield his eyes from the sun.

"Do you trust me?"  Paul asked taking a step closer.

"Yes."  Cyrus realised every time Paul spoke it was like a little spark of electricity ran up his spine.  

"Keep looking at me."  It was spoken softly but it was clearly a command and Cyrus obeyed.

Before he could say "Why?"  Paul disappeared in a blink and in his place, a couple of meters in front of him sat one of the wolves he'd seen that morning.   It was quietly staring at him with big amber eyes,  its huge dark head tilted to one side.    It slowly laid down, like it was someone's monster size pet.  It was only when it lifted one paw and crossed it over the other that he recognised who it was.



Lewis stared at the screen in front of him but his mind was far away. He wondered how the conversation between the Guardian and Cyrus was going.  He was still annoyed that the Guardian had refused to let him tag along.  

He tapped his foot nervously as he tried to focus on what he was doing but the apartment was strangely tranquil, too quiet.  Santo and Barnes were watching TV.   It was starting to feel to much like a holiday and it made Lewis him feel uneasy.  The were becoming to comfortable with the situation and losing their edge.  Was it the calm before the storm?  Tap Tap tap on the floor.

Barnes's phone rang.  It was Constantine.  They had a brief conversation.  "Adam's awake.  He's not climbing the walls this time. It looks like he's finally back."   All three were out the door the next minute.


Something was niggling Theodore, like a half remembered dream it almost took shape and then disappeared again.  Whatever it was bothered him all day but he couldn't put his finger on it.   Perhaps it was the human ex-policeman.  There was something irksome about him, one of those humans that made you dislike the whole species.  His fawning was repulsive and that boy of his, he shook his head.  He reminded Theodore of a werewolf pup, beaten too many times by its master.

He made a note to keep his meetings with the boy away from the hotel.  Thanos would take one look at that innocent face and the boy....he didn't want to think about what could happen.    

For a split second the elusive thought surfaced then faded before he could catch it.  It would come to him eventually.  

He crossed the foyer quickly, long elegant strides that made people look in his direction.  He felt like it had been a productive morning.  The ex-cop worm of a human was supplying them with guns, nothing fancy but they will do the job.  Stocland senior bragged he had connections who could easily acquire  unregistered firearms.  The more he thought about the human the less he liked him.

Theodore sensed that the boy wasn't made from the same clothe as the father, money wouldn't win him over.

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