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Fucking school man .
I didn't wanna go home because I didn't wanna get yelled at. So I started walking around the town and i came across this new place I've never saw before — it was a coffee shop named 'Tweaks Bros. Coffee' that name sounds familiar.  I don't like coffee but for some reason. I decided to go inside.

I sat down at the counter and rung a bell because there was no one there. Suddenly my eyes widen when a similar spazz came up. Oh that's why that name was so familiar! I was happy that I accidentally ran into tweek. I ruffled my hands on his soft messy blonde hair and said

"So you own this place ?"

"M-my dad" he said.
I stared at him for awhile maybe even admiring him— I think I got lost in pretty dark forest green  eyes . Ok maybe he was cute but im not like gay— I can like say a dude is cute without being gay right?

"Ah u-uh— anyways d-do you Ngh want s-some coffee?" He said stuttering with a smile

"Na I hate coffee." I said crossing my arms over the counter

"Ack! Th-then why did you come here?!" Tweek said yelling a bit sounding like he was panicked.
I shrugged .

" o-oh" he muttered
* * *
I left at around 7 o'clock so I was now probably going to get yelled at for getting detention AND not being at home

Gosh I hate my fucking parents

I started walking when suddenly I Heard a familiar high pitch annoying voice

"Hey craig" cartman said coming out of nowhere placing his arm on my shoulder

"Isn't it past your bedtime ? Wont your mommy get worried your not in bed with your Clyde froggy?" I said in a voice like I was talking to a baby and brushing off his arm and walking faster
I didn't wanna talk to this fat bitch especially not after what he did to tweek

"Awh Craig are you still mad at me for beating up your spazzy boyfriend tweeky??" He said whinning

" Dude what the fuck is your problem? He's not my boyfriend. He's not gay and im not even—" I stopped
Oh shit. Why tf would I stop.
"Im not even gay so leave me alone bitch." I said walking faster until I couldn't see Cartman anymore
* * *
All that walking made me realize how freaking tired I was I should've taken that damn coffee when I got home my mom started immediately yelling at me
I was too lazy to argue with her rn so I just ignored her went upstairs into my room I could hear her yells of frustration to call me back down stairs. But the second I got in bed I fell asleep I even fell asleep in my clothes and I didn't even change.
* * *

who really cares (tweek x Craig fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant