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Tweek pov:
AH! I can't believe this my first day and I  already got beat up! Well atleast Craig rescued me.
He was like a hero!
and he was cute too-

Wait what am I saying-? I can't like someone already . UGH! Liking people is too much pressure man . I thought as I dug my head into my pillow

I'm just tired..
* * *
I woke up and realized that it was 7:45 and that I overslept! Gah I was going to be so late I quickly got up and put on some black jeans and sloppily button my green shirt leaving some of my buttons unbuttoned.

I quickly ran downstairs and made some cereal . I quickly ate it and dashed out the door.
I had to run all the way to school because I had already missed the bus. I got there early — well barely. I spotted Craig with Clyde and Tolkien. I started walking over and waved at them.

"H-hey guys!" I said

Craig stared at me and looked at me up and down which made me feel weird and then walked wayy close to me. Like inches away from my face. I felt my face burn up,

" You buttoned your shirt wrong" he said chuckling and started to fix it and button it back up I could hear my heart thump and I just sat there frozen and relized what he was doing and stepped back

"N-n-no its fine! Gah — I can do it!" I said stammering to fix my buttons my self

He laughed and said
"Your still doing it wrong here let me help yo-"


The bell ring and I ran off before Craig could come closer.

* * *

Craig pov:

I played Tetris on my computer in first period while my teacher went on about some stupid test

"Craig get off the games" she said singleling me out

I rolled my eyes and flipped her offf

" Did you just flip me off ?!" She said yelling putting down her marker harshly

"No?" I said sarcastically
And flipped her off again

"Get out my class right now!!"

I laughed to myself and walked out of the class down to the counselor and ofcourse I was going to have after school detention
Fuck this school man

* * *
"Yea dude I got detention till 4:30" I said bitting into my burger

"Oooo. Let's just skip 6 & 7 period" Clyde said and then he started to eye tweek

"Tweeks coming too" Clyde said

"What ! Ngh- I can't skip c-class . What if we get caught? That's way too much pressure dude!" He said stuttering and reaching out his hands onto his hair and pulling his blonde hair out .

I put my hand out and put it on his wrist to stop him from pulling his hair out

"Don't do that , you'll go bald." I say

He flashes me a smile
"Ahem uh anyways . Tweek no worries Tolkien will cover for us and if we do get caught which - obviously is not gonna happen you can blame it all on us!" Clyde said hunched over with a smile on his face

"Agh—! Ok ! I guess."

* * *
Me Clyde and tweek all left the school to skip and we decided to get ice cream because we were all craving something sweet.

I got some Chocolate ice cream while tweek got coffee flavored ice cream and Clyde got strawberry .

We were walking down the street talking about random shit and laughing. I looked over at tweek and say ice cream all over his face. I stopped infront of him and started to wipe it off

He was so cute- wait huh? Whats wrong with me?

Clyde looked at me weird and murmured
"I wish I brought Bebe man I hate third wheeling" thinking I couldn't hear but I still did I gave him a glare and stopped whipping off tweeks face and went back to walking back along side them . We went back to the school and snuck back into the school

"See tweek ! We didn't get caught ! " Clyde said snobby

Tweek laughed nervously.
* * *
Not gonna lie, I've been feeling weird . My heart beats faster whenever I'm around tweek . I think I have arrhythmia or something I decided to ask Tolkien about it before I had to go to detention .

"Hey Tolkien , can I ask you something real quick?"

" Sure man, what's up?"

"So I know this person and something's been really bothering them lately, like I don't know whenever they're around this person they're heart beats abnormally for some reason ?"

" ohhhh , I know this person has a crush!!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in desbelief. Crush?!! That's not possible? I'm straight? No— I'm straight. No questioning, girls are still hot — ugh im not gay!!! Tolkiens wrong.
* * *

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