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That night they all arrived at the arena. All of the wrestlers backstage cooed over Reaper as he walked beside Rylan. He kept looking to Rylan for assurance that he should be nice. The boy had an attitude when Rylan let him. They were heading to the locker room to get into their gear then they were going to head to the Bloodlines locker room.  Afterwards Dominik let Rylan walk around as long as Reaper was with her. He knew she wasn't just a little kid anymore. In 2 more years she'd be a preteen.

Rylan and Reaper walked to the catering area where she saw the Usos talking to another wrestler. She obviously picked up on the tension, but didn't care. "Hey!" She said as she walked up to them. "Hello lass." "Hi Mr. McIntyre." "Still as formal and polite as before I see. How are you?" "Better. Thanks. So... What's got everyone's ears pinned down here?" She asked. Reaper stayed beside her, studying the scene before him. He felt the tension and was ready to pounce if needed.

"Nothing that concerns you, young lady." "Please don't call me lady. And I'm an unofficial official member of The Judgement Day making me an ally of the Bloodline.... So it is kind of my concern. Besides, I was just curious. We could feel the tension from over there." She pointed across the room. "Reaper is on edge because of it." Then she pointed down at Reaper. "His hair is standing up on his back. If it concerns him, it concerns me too." "Oh so that's who this fiery looking little lad is." Drew said, ignoring the rest of what Rylan said.

"Don't worry about it Ry. Let's just go." Jimmy said as Jey put a hand on Rylan shoulder to gently guide her away from Drew, Reaper following closely. "Well well well, who do we have here?" Rylan heard an annoying voice that she wished she'd forgotten. She turned around, Reaper stood in between her and Seth feeling her uneasiness. Jimmy and Jey both stood on both sides of Reaper. "What do you want Rollins?" Jey asked.

"Just to see the little doggy. And to see little Rylan Mysterio. The girl wonder who escaped that horrible monster Brock Lesner." He said in his annoying baby voice with his sinister smile. His brown eyes staring into hers. She furrowed her brows and stared back, feeling brave with Reaper and the Usos protecting her. If they weren't here, she'd be cowering. "Well you see me and my dog. You can go now." Seth's smile dropped. "So unpolite. So cocky. You should watch how you speak to me little girl. I'm still family-" "No. No you aren't. Not since you betrayed him." Rylan interrupted him. "Leave." Jimmy said as a warning, but Seth ignored him.

Seth huffed but when Reaper showed his teeth after watching him ignore Rylans warning to leave and then Jimmy's, Seth sneered and finally left while muttering something under his breath. Jimmy and Jey just looked at each other then at Rylan. "You and Reaper good or..? We gotta report to Roman about Drew and now Seth... We can walk you back to your locker room first tho." Rylan wasn't sure what to think or how to feel about her having a choice. "Uh.." She looked down at Reaper who was now also looking at her.

"Can I just.. Grab some food real quick. Been dying to have the sausage pizza and orange juice from here again for years.. Nowhere else ever tasted or.. Tastes.. the same." "Yeah of course kiddo. Go get your food, we'll wait here." Jey said. When Jimmy looked at him Jey put his hands up. "Big Uce will wait. He'll understand when he learns it was for her." Jimmy raised his eyebrows and nodded, shrugging. Rylan hurried and got the food and drink with Reaper right against her leg the whole time.

When she got back to Jimmy and Jey they began walking. "So.. Where's Solo?" "Oh he stayed with big Uce." Jimmy smiled down at Rylan. "You know, Solo has such a big soft spot for you. Never for anyone else. Just you. He talks more for you." "Really? Huh... Never noticed." Rylan said before she chuckled. "I missed him a lot. Missed everyone but... His voice was the one I heard the least on TV. His was the hardest to remember. His smile... It was the hardest to remember."

The Youngest Mysterio(Dominik Mysterio Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن