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Dominik ran to get the children's Tylenol from the medicine cabinet as she laid down on the couch like he told her to. He gave her the dosage it said to on the box and put a cold wet rag on her forehead then went and grabbed a popsicle for her before turning on cartoons.

"Stay there and rest. It's ok if you fall asleep. Your body needs lots of rest to help it fight off the sickness." He explained as he covered her up with a light blanket. "I'll check your temperature every 30 minutes. If it goes even higher and I can't get it down I'll have to take you to the hospital."

Rylan didn't respond. She didn't have the energy. It felt like just coloring with him used it all up. She was sleepy. Just then, Dominik's phone rang. He walked away, leaving Rylan to just relax. He answered the phone without looking at the caller ID. He was too busy watching Rylan eyes close.

"Hello?" "Hey, the kids were wondering if Rylan could come over and play?" Dominik recognized Roman's voice. "Oh.. Uh, she can't today. She's got a high fever.." "Oh really? I hope she gets to feeling better soon." "Thanks.. I do too. Tell the kids they'll get to see her as soon as she's better." "Ok I will. See you at Smackdown, if I don't see you sooner." "See ya." Dominik hung up and sighed.

He then sat down and texted Rylan online teacher that she couldn't do her class today as she was sick. He then texted Rhea, Finn, and Damian that Rylan was sick with a high fever. Dominik got up and cleaned up the art supplies before checking her temperature again. "100.5" He mumbled to himself. At least it was going down. He grabbed the melting popsicle and put it in the trash before cleaning up the mess it had created.

Once everything was cleaned up he figured he'd work on her room a bit more. It was basically done, just needed some finishing touched. It looked like a mix between a girl and boys room. The main colors were blue and black, her two favorite. Her blankets and bed sheets were navy blue while her pillows were black. She had a dark green carpet with 4 brownish pathways leading to each wall.

Dominik had thought it odd when she asked for that color scheme, until she told him what she wanted on the walls and the ceiling. Even though it hadn't even been a whole week yet, as he had just got custody of her Friday and they didn't start on the room until Sunday, they all managed to get a lot done in that short time. All of them being Rhea, Finn, Damian, and Dominik. Rylan had asked why her room wasn't don't if he had lived there for months.

She knew he had still cared for her. He had come out and told her the truth then and there. He had been waiting for her to decorate it as she wanted. Her room at Grandma and Grandpa's was Grandma's doing and choosing. They never listened to her ideas for her room. Never listened to what she wanted. Dominik snapped out of his trance at a knock on the door. When he opened it he was greeted with 3 worried faces and bags of food and drinks good for flu's and colds.

"Guys.. You didn't have to." "We know Dom. But she's like our kid too. She's our niece." Finn said. "And that makes her our responsibility too." Rhea reminded Dominik. "Yeah. Plus, we figured you'd be working on her room today. Figured we could help with watching her and finishing up the room. Someone can be sat with her while the other 3 work." Damian explained.

Dominik nodded as each of them spoke. "Well... Thanks.. Come on in." He stepped aside. They all entered and put the things in their bags away. "What was her temperature last?" Finn asked. "100.7. I gave her Tylenol, so she can't have that for 4 hours at minimum. Actually about 3 and a half hours now. But if it spikes again I can give her Ibuprofen." Finn nodded "Ok. Whose up for first watch?".

"I actually need to check it again now... Then I'll help with the room." Dominik walked over and grabbed the thermometer as the other 3 talked amongst themselves about who will watch 1st, 2nd, and 3rd watch. "Damian will watch first, then me, then Finn." Rhea spoke up. "Ok sounds good. Her temperature is down to 99.6." He announced.

The Youngest Mysterio(Dominik Mysterio Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now