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"O-of course my tribal chief! That is, if the Judgement Day will accept...?"

Everyone in the bloodline looked at the confused faces of the Judgement Day. "A match then. Me, Finn, and Priest against whoever you pick out of your faction. You win, we are allies of your bloodline. We win, you leave us the hell alone." Dominik tilted his head, the confusion wearing off into an unphased almost bored look as everyone else in the Judgement Day nodded in agreement, also losing their confusion. Roman looked down at the young girl who stared back up at him wide eyed. She intrigued him. For some reason, he automatically felt a connection to her. As if she were his own kid. Roman then looked back up at Dominik. "Deal." He held his hand out, shaking hands with Dominik.

"See you in the ring monday." Dominik grabbed Rylans wrist again and lead the Judgement Day back to their locker room. Once the door was locked, he let go of Rylan wrist, flinging her towards the couch. "Oof!" Rylan landed on the couch, thankful he threw her on the couch and not the hard floor. "Shut up." He sneered. "Move from that spot and you'll meet my belt. I'm going to change."

After he and the others left the room to change, Rylan scooted back on the couch and looked down at her hands. She was now in the hands of her, apparently, adoptive big brother who now hated her... Or so he said and tried to act. Her adoptive parents, as well as her adoptive older sister, turned their backs on her.... This meant they most likely wouldn't fight for her anymore, not that she wanted them to.

Rylan snapped out of her thoughts due to fingers snapping in front of her face. She didn't even have time to look up at the person before she was slapped across the back of the head. "Come on little brat, we need to go." Dominik huffed in annoyance. Rylan stood up and followed him. He seemed unsure if she would try to run but he didn't grab her wrist this time. Everyone else in Judgement Day had apparently already left to go home.

"U-um... B-bubby?" Her tiny voice can barely be heard. "What." He said harshly, voice full of annoyance. It didn't even sound like a question. "W-what about school? A-and singing lessons?" Dominik stopped and looked at her. "No more singing lessons, and you'll be doing online schooling." Rylans eyes widened and watered as she looked up at him. "Don't look at me like that. I told you I wouldn't feel bad."

Rylan knew that he was trying to sound like he meant it, but both his eyes and his tone wavered. "B-bubby..." "Don't! Don't call me that. I'm not your brother. My baby sister would have never taken their side!" He shouted and Rylan flinched. Dominik licked his lips as he tried to calm down his anger.

"I-i... I'm sorry... I-I'm just so scared of them..." Rylan whimpered as she looked at the floor. Dominik knew who she was talking about. "You never even gave them a chance. I thought I raised you better than that. But I was wrong." Rylan looked up at him. "But they did so much to you and... Well... I mean Rhea beat you up that one time..."

"That was part of the plan, Rylan. My plan. I've been helping them antagonize dad for a while now." "But I didn't know.. Please.. I promise to be better.... Don't take my singing lessons away... Please don't stop loving me like they did... I-I'll even give.. Your new family.. A chance!" She begged, but Dominik wasn't having it.

He shook his head no and grabbed her wrist dragging her along. Once home Dominik texted them that they had made it safely before showing Rylan around. "This has been my new place since I left home. And this will be your room." Rylan looked in. It was mostly empty but she was fine with it. Rylan looked up at Dominik.

She wanted to stay with him, and he was right, she hadn't given Rhea, Finn, or Damian a chance. "Are... They really that nice?" She said as she looked back down at the floor. "Yes." Was all he said before he walked away.

The Youngest Mysterio(Dominik Mysterio Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now