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Rylan dove behind the couch in the livingroom, narrowly missed by a flying chair that luckily caught on the back of the couch and the wall so it didn't fall on her. She gulped and stayed there, scared. She knew she would get in trouble for hiding but she knew she was in trouble if she was out in the open as well. Brock was pissed and throwing one of his many tantrums that she would have to help people clean up after he was done.

"How the fuck could they be that close? Huh? You telling them where we are?! They almost caught me!" He yelled at anyone near him. "Where the fuck is Rylan!?" He yelled when he noticed she was missing. One of the help hands must have pointed to the couch because next thing she knew she was being pulled out by her hair. "Hiding now are we? I thought you knew better." He said angrily.

"I-I'm S-sorry...." She whimpered out. "I've kept you for a month now. You know how long I kept the others? At least a week each. Hell, I was more subtle with the others. The damn cops didn't know it was me and never found them. I got bored with them and killed them. Think I won't do that to you just because I find you amusing and worth keeping around? Best stop disobeying me little princess." He seethed as he spewed threats.

Rylan quickly nodded and was dropped to the floor in front of the couch. Suddenly, she was very narrowly missed by his foot as he kicked the table in anger. She stayed as still as possible incase she got hit by anything while he continued his tantrum. Once he was finally done she quickly got to work cleaning up the mess with the other people. Nobody really talked to her... Or each other for that matter.

Once she was done with that she did her remaining chores as fast as possible so that she could eat tonight and go without a beating. Afterwards, she waited in her room until Brock said it was time to eat. She sat at the table and ate silently. He had only started letting her eat at the table a week ago. She hadn't heard anything about her family since her 4th day here. She earned the window being uncovered and a blanket at the 2 week mark.

She didn't talk a lot either. Or sing anymore. When she was done eating, Brock had already left the table and sat in the livingroom drinking his beer. She cleaned up the dishes and stood next to him, waiting for instructions. "Go to bed." He said simply. "Maybe tomorrow I'll let you call your family. Maybe. If you behave. If you tell them where you are though, I'll kill you and then your family." Rylan nodded, already tearing up from just hearing she might have a small possibility of hearing her brothers voice again.

A month in and she felt like she was forgetting what his voice sounded like and what he looked like. She immediately went to her room and sat on the bed. She looked out the window at the tree line at the edge of the farm property. Her 5th day she had tried to go into the woods, but her shock collar did it's job. She wasn't trying to escape. She just thought the trees were on the property and wanted to explore a bit.

She laid down and willed herself to sleep. It took a while though. The next morning, she woke up and started her chores. About noon was when Brock pulled her aside and handed her a burner phone with Dominik's number already dialed. She pushed call almost too quickly. She reminded herself of what Brock told her last night. "Hello?" A dull voice was heard on the other end. Was that really her brother voice?

"Bubby...?" She felt herself getting choked up already. "Rylan? Is that you? Where are you? Are you ok?" The dull voice turned frantic. Brock barely stifled a chuckle at the sound but still managed a warning look at Rylan. "I'm ok... I'm alive..." Tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn't know how long Brock would allow her to talk to him. "I love you... All of you..." "I.. We all love you too. Wher-" And with that Brock grabbed the phone and hung up before smashing it.

"Get back to your chores." Brock said harshly. Rylan didn't hesitate. She knew his mood suddenly turned sour for whatever reason. "Th-that was her.... That was Rylan!" Dominik shouted as he stared at his phone. "What did she say?" Rey asked. When Dominik told him the whole conversation word for word, Rey shook his head. "She avoided the question. He must have threatened her... Or us." "He must have smashed the phone..." Dominik said after trying to call the number back. 

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