during the mission i kept my distance from leon and his group, i entered a castle and was looking around when i saw leon alone,

"leon? where is ashley?" i asked

leon turned to me and i saw black veins everywhere.

"leon...." i said shocked,

he kept a cold expression,

"are.. are you okay?" i asked

before he started going toward me but i pointed my gun at him.

he put his hands up and nodded, "i'll stay back."

"what happened," i asked, "did you kill ashley?"

"no they took her." he explained a little to calmly

i looked at him suspiciously but kept my gun pointed at him.

"i know you don't want to fight me jett." he said softly and slowly came closer.

"stay back." i snapped against causing him to back up

"jett, can you please put the gun down."

"no you're infected.. i need you to stay back." i said sternly, "we need to figure out how to treat you."

"we need to find ashley and you know that."

"i'm aware," i said before putting my gun down, "do you have a plan?"

"why don't you help me?" leon said while he got close and gently took the gun from my hand and laced our figures together. "see i'm not bad."

leon leaned closer while i tried backing away but he kept a hold on me and placed a kiss on my wrist

i tensed and grabbed his shoulder shoving him back.

"leon, you're not in your right mind!" i stressed and tried letting go of his hand but he tightened his grip

he twisted my arm causing me to collapse onto my knee,

he put his hand on my jaw.

"get your fucking hands off me." i snapped

"what are you going to do? i got you right where i want you." he snapped

"just snap out of it they want you to be this way, cmon."

he twisted my arm more causing me to groan in pain. he then moved to gripped my throat lifting me off the ground.

i squeezed my eyes shut and felt him lift the mask off throwing it against the wall.

i looked at him and saw him snap out of the infection  and dropped me

"Kade..." he whispered

i collapsed to the ground and gasped for air.

"you said you never wanted to put yourself in danger like this," he snapped, "you wanted to be a civilian. not sacrificing yourself to a job that doesn't care!"

"leon i'm trying to change your company to make it better, i was sent on this mission to investigate the virus and help ashley." i said weakly , "it may not sound like they're one in the same but your company wants to use the virus for bad."

"sounds like a excuse."

"jill convinced me. i wanted to bring you with me leon i even begged her." i said while i stumbled before standing. the look in his eyes was pure hate,

he shook his head. "i hope you get what's coming to you." he said before leaving me

i collapsed again before dialing carlos, "get me out of here."

after a couple hours of makeing my way to a safe zone i saw carlos in a helicopter drop and latter down and i escaped.

"what happened?" he asked after pulling the latter up when i finally made it.

"can we not talk about it?"

"jill is going to ask." he said

i sighed, "why did i even join this team. i wanted to help but now i feel like i'm just getting pushed to my limit when i don't want to be."

"listen this is just your first intense mission and it's going to feel stressful and unfair but i know you have that fight in you." he said with a sigh,

i glared at him before looking away,

"don't do that." Carlos said

i shook my head at him, "

"baby." he said

"don't." i snapped

"i know you're mad,"

"you would be right,"

"but don't be mad at me, be mad at your boyfriend"

"shut up carlos."

he smirked a bit before leaveing me alone.

after landing and getting into homebase jill bombarded me, i answered all the questions and went thought the motions before going home and sleeping for 2 days straight.

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