today i was sent in a mission to spain to help the presidents daughter. the president had already got someone else to actually save her but that doesn't mean i can't linger in the shadows to figure out the virus.

i was in the full outfit with a mask. cargo jeans, turtle neck combat lace up boots and that stupid leather jacket leon found for me.i wore a tactical mask so no one would recognize me.

i heard a branch snap behind me and i quickly pulled out my pistol and turned around. i aimed the gun and saw it was leon. he pointed his gun at me.

"i'm just here to look for the presidents daughter,"

"how do i know you actually are and aren't some sicko."

leon and i stood there for a minuet,

"do you have a badge."  he asked

"do you have a badge?"

leon scoffed before he put his hands up to surrender

"gun on the ground." i snapped

he slowly placed his gun on the ground before standing back up

i quickly grabbed his gun and put it in my holster,

"trust me.. i'm not here to hurt you. i'm only hear to save ashley gram."

i trusted him, but i shouldn't.

"name." i snapped

"leon kennedy."

i nodded, "i'll keep and eye on you kennedy."

"you're name?" he asked

"just call me jett."

he nodded.

"there's village up there, have you been there yet?" i asked

"no, i'm on my way there."

"alright, let's go."

i passed him his gun back and we walked side by side.

"how'd you get here?" he asked

"help ashley as well and figure out that virus."

he nodded and looked at me for a moment,

i tried to ignore his stare not wanting him to figure me out.

we came across a house and leon went to the front door.

"i don't think we should go in there.." i said

"it's probably abandoned it's pretty run down." leon said while knocking.

i kept my gun handy and waited infront of the house

"i think we're good to go in."

my gut was telling me to leave, leave the house and just only
focus on saving ashley.

"leon." i snapped while he opened the door

"aren't you suppose to figure out the virus?" he snapped

i was shocked by his harsh words, "i'm not going to invade a house simply cause it looks run down!"

he scoffed and went inside,

i debated for a moment before following him inside, jill always told he to trust my intuition and gut feeling. fight when needed and make sure i'm safe before all else. i may be comfortable on missions but fight someone? it depends.

leon and i both looked through the house and saw weird cult thing. i held up what looked like a cult sign made from sticks and twine while leon looked at a picture.
he showed it to me and it was a picture of him as a rookie.

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