i made it to the church and ran into the merchant with more jewels,

"hello stranger."

"hey," i said while looking for a semi automatic pistol

i picked the one i wanted and the merchant handed it to me

"you got quite the eyes for weapons stranger."

after buying the weapon and fighting off villiagers on my own i made it to the church.

i was outside the church trying to figure out the puzzle. before i heard someone running.


i turned to see leon who then rushed towards me,

"listen leon-"

"no i won't hear you out you left me. you left me behind." he snapped while standing in front of me

"i had my reasons!"

leon pulled his gun out but i kicked his wrist away causing him to drop it.

"i'm not going to fight you." i snapped while standing ready to do hand to hand combat.

"then this will be easy for me." he said while pulling his knife out.

i was trained separately by three different people and knowing leon he was trained to push himself to the limits. this wasn't going to be a easy battle.

he swung his knife but i dodged it.

"you have a different mask." he said

"thanks for noticing." i said while quickly swung my leg under him tripping him but he caught himself and launched his body back up and slashed my arm.

my nerves shut off and i didn't feel the pain yet.

i pulled my own blade and swung at him, i didn't want to do any damage. unlike him. but i did want to seem as threatening as i could.

he attacked from above and i blocked his blade with mine he was pushing all his weight into this hit and i wasn't as strong as him, something i need to work on.

i quickly escaped by side stepping and kicked leon landing him on the ground. i took this moment to escape out of the church and leon watched while i left.

i ended up wondering about trying to pick up as much information. any journal page i did find i would take a picture and send to homebase just incase the documents i collected got destroyed.

i got a call and it was from Jill, i internally groaned not wanted her to comfort me.

"Hey jill." i said while giving the merchant jewels for first aid wrap.

"how's it going, find anything?"

"i was in the church where ashley is being held but leon was there and we got in a bit of a fight."

"kennedy attacked you?"

"yes, he did." i sighed and nodded to the merchant who nodded back.

"are you injured at all?"

"a little. but i got first aid wrap."

"are you lying?"

"no. it's nothing i haven't felt with before in training."

"are you talking about when carlos slashed you accidentally"

".... no?"

i heard jill explain how to clean it even though she already told me but got distracted by someone swinging of a grappling hook. into the top of the church.

"how many agents are here?" i asked

jill stopped mid rant, "it's should only be you and kennedy."

"i don't think kennedy and i are the only ones."

i walked around some more and went to a sketchy bridge being built and managed to get across. i saw leon ahead of me and kept my distance. there is something wrong. call it a gut feeling but there's something that the cult people did to him.

the more i watched, leon did get ashley and that's also when we learned he got a virus put in him and ashley. i kept in the shadows to not get seen and that's when i felt a gun pushed into my back.

"mi amor, what are you really doing here?" he asked

"i told you charming im here to help figure out the virus." i said calmly

he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around before pinning me to the wall pointing the gun at me.

"i'm on your team!" i snapped

"oh yeah then why are you running from leon!"

"that's none of your business!"

"it's my business now, now speak!"

"leon and i have history, he doesn't know it but why do you think i'm trying to protect him but from afar!"

luis quickly pulled my mask off but that's when i took his gun and threw it before kicking him in the gut causing him to double over. i quickly grabbed my mask but heard leon rush in,

"Luis!" he stressed while going over, "what the fuck is your problem!"

leon snapped, i kept my back to him and put my mask back on calmly trying to think of what to say.

"i'm trying to help. but you guys can't seem to trust me." i said calmly, "i know i left you behind but i went back but you guys already had escaped."

i turned to face him and saw ashley with him.

"i'm glad you saved Ashley." i said while holding a hand out to her to shake, "im jett, ms. gram im glad you're safe, kennedy is a good guy." i nodded

leon put his arm infront of her to block and ashely looked at him.

"stay back jett."

i nodded, "i hope i can regain your trust." i said calmly.

"we will see about that." leon snapped

i nodded, "sorry luis,"

luis glared

"i'll get out of your hair." i said before leaving the group behind

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