i woke up at 4am and started to grab what little i had. so basically pajamas, old clothes, and toothbrush.

i was about to leave but felt guilt wash over me.


i grabbed the notepad and pen the hotel provided and wrote a note for leon.

i'm sorry it has to be this way. i really am, i wish i could take you with me but it's just not possible. just know that i will forever hold you in my heart and i do wish our paths will meet again. i'm sorry i lied to you i promise it was to protect you and it wasn't ment in a malicious way. hate me if you want i understand how confusing and frustrating this must be..
i'm glad you found me when you did and saved me from the horror of that city.
i love you leon..

i cried while writing the note and some of the tears smudged the writing.

i wiped my eyes and set the note next to leon,

i kissed leon's face and woke him up lightly,

"kade?" he said totally out of it.

"sorry baby." i whispered

"that's okay.." he said while adjusting and turned his back to me.

i kissed his shoulder, "leon?"

"hm?" he said already going back to sleep.

"i'm so sorry..."


i waited a little for him to fall back to sleep before quietly opening the door and leavening him behind.

i wiped the tears from my face a rushed to were jill said to meet her.

"you okay?" she asked softly while we walked to the car

"i feel guilty."

"he'll understand i'm sure." chris smiled while patting my shoulder

we all got into the car and carlos drove.

we did get a homebase made and we started to set up what we could.

the first year i fell into a depression, and guilt ridden. jill helped me through and we started training, they went on missions that they could while i stayed at home base and helped get them.

year two i started to go on some missions and chris helped me with training to fight and such along with jill. the missions i went on weren't to bad, stealth missions at most. during that time i was grabbing some documents when i heard some people walk by i quickly hid.

i heard leon talk and i felt my whole body freeze.

i wanted to look at him. i knew i shouldn't.. i was wearing a mask so if he looked i wouldn't be recognized.  i pondered for a moment before i let them pass and snuck out to the back door.

year three, i started to more missions comfortably and also started to leave the house more. today i had to go to the mechanic shop to get my
car fixed up. i never liked going to the mechanic shop especially since these men thought i had no idea how anything works.

i sat in the waiting room boardly scrolling through my phone and someone entered, i didn't look since it was probably just some hot shot guy thinking he has it all.

the shop guy talked and talked and talked so i had to look up to see what poor soul he's trapped and saw Leon...

i really need to move farther away, jill said it was far but maybe leon moved closer? i'm unsure.

i went into the bathroom and hid from him for a bit. i glanced out into the waiting room and saw leon sitting. i put on some sunglasses hoping he wouldn't recognize and went to the front.

"excuse me. how long untill i get my car back?"

"just two more hours."

i sighed and left the shop to get some coffee, i sat in the shop for a bit people watching when i got a call.

"hey baby! how's the mechanic going?"

"hey carlos! it's alright just off to a bad start. leon walked in.."

"i really should have gone with you so i could have seen him."

"carlos, my love, i know you're trying to lighten the mood but im terrifyed." i sighed


"it's okay, how mission planning going?"

"it's alright i'm hoping we will get sent on it together, chris isn't exactly the stealthiest."

"you're one to talk love."

an hour and thirty minutes passed and carlos had to go so i decided to go back to the shop.

once i made it back i sat in the lobby farthest away from leon.

"is that coffee shop any good?" he asked

i shrugged, "it's alright." i mummbled,

his stare lingered on me, "what did you get?"

"caramel macchiato."

he moved closer to me causeing me to tense.

"I'm more of a black coffee with surgar kind of guy."

i nodded, i didn't want to be rude to him but i also didn't want him to know it's me.

i dialed carlos' number and put the phone up to my ear.

"hey babe." i said while i got up to leave.

"babe? that's a new one." carlos said,

"they're about done with the car and then i'll be ready for our reservations.. " i said brushing off what carlos said

i was on my way outside, when i felt a hand in my shoulder.

"sorry miss. but the machanic needs you." leon whispered

"sorry babe, i gotta go the car is ready now."

i heard carlos laugh, i knew he heard leon.

"alright babe can't wait for dinner."

"thanks leon." i said without thinking before i froze

"how did you-"

"overheard it while you were talking to machanic sorry." i said quickly

i saw leon switch into detective mode.

"excuse me."

i went up to the machanic and we discussed what was wrong with my car. let me rephrase he over explained what he said was wrong with my car when i just needed a tune up.

i shook my head, "i'm not gonna be paying 10 grand for whatever reason."

"you're car is highly unsafe to drive."

"i drove it here just fine."

"on barrowed time."

"i know for a fact i just needed a oil change,"

"listen lady, this is actually our job. we know what we're doing."

"listen buddy, give her, her car."

"sir stay out of this.."

"i'll cal the cops since you're refusing to give me my car."

"you can't possibly-"

"she can. hell i'll even do it for her." leon snapped

the shop guy eventually moved my car to a parking spot and gave me my keys.

i stormed out and saw leon follow with his keys and we both ended up leavening he waved while he when first to leave and i waved back.

i miss him..

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