Chapter 12

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Lexie's POV

We were in court to see how much money we would get for suing the hospital for the plane crash. Belle was sitting on my lap. Callie comes in after everything was over and done with. "I missed it." She says as we all sit there. "The hospital was found negligent. We all got 15 million each." Arizona says to Callie. "That's great news!" Callie said as we said nothing and sat there.

A few weeks later
At Meredith and Derek's house
We were having a meeting at Meredith and Derek's house about the 15 Million we got. "We should buy the hospital." She says as I thought she was crazy. "What?! That's not fair I'll be the only resident running the hospital but I know not the point." I say as Belle comes running out. "I think we should." Mark says as I nod. "We need to talk to Christina first and see if she's on board." Meredith says as I pick up Belle. "Baby girl go back to your cousins room and let the adults talk about grown up things." I say as I set her down. "Ok mommy." She says as she runs off. "Pegasus horizons sucks." Callie says as I laugh. "See Lexie agrees with me because she was there with Webber and I." She says as I nod. They do suck big time. "So we are buying the hospital?" Arizona asks as Meredith and Derek were quiet. "Mer. Derek say something." I say as they look at each other. "I think we should." Meredith says as we hear a baby cry through the baby monitor. "Oh sorry. Is that mine or yours?" Callie says to Meredith. "It's mine she'll probably wake yours and Lexie's." She says as Meredith walks off to Zolas room. "Um... just because I call Belle a baby doesn't mean she is one. She's 4 years old." I say as Derek is silent still. "Dude. Should we buy the hospital?" Mark says to Derek. "Yeah I think we should." He says as it's settled we all agree on buying the hospital well all we need is Christina's decision.

A few months later
Jackson's mom had helped us buy the hospital. We were sitting in a conference room. "Well ok first we need a new but since we have a resident on the board we will need a replacement temporarily when she's in San Fransisco taking her board exam so Lexie when it's time your boards you will need find a temporary replacement for you but for now you don't have to." Jackson says as I nod. "I'm only a 5th year resident." I say as Jackson picks up a piece of paper. "Ok what should we name the hospital?" He says as I get up. I whisper on his ear and he writes down what I said. He shows the piece of paper which says 'Seattle Grace George O'Malley Memorial Hospital' We all agreed on the name.

A few week later
We were now working in our new hospital Seattle Grace George O'Malley Memorial Hospital. Meredith was still pregnant but she was finding out the gender today and she wanted me to be there since this is my niece or nephew. I also planning my wedding with Meredith's help even though she isn't much into weddings but this was her sisters wedding so she gonna help any way she could. I've already picked my maid of honor and it's Meredith because she's the one I want as my maid of honor and I wouldn't want anyone else as my maid of honor. I was the resident lounge when Meredith walks in. "Ready to do rounds sis?" She says as I nod. I pinned my engagement ring to scrubs because Callie told me it's easier to do that. Meredith does it too with her ring. *Authors note: I know Meredith doesn't have a wedding ring on in the show but in this story she does* Belle was at the daycare with Zola and Sofia. Meredith go to rounds when we get paged to the ER for a trauma so we run there and we go outside. "What we got?" Meredith says as her and I run in the hospital with the bed and the paramedic. Oh and April is dating Matthew one of the paramedics. "Female. 16 year old. Abused. No head trauma. Unconscious. She was beaten in the chest and oh she's pregnant." The paramedics say as I look at Meredith. "Page Dr. Robbins and OB." I say to a nurse and she does what I said to do. We get the girl into a trauma room. Arizona comes in with the OB. "What's her name and what happened?" Arizona says as I shrug my shoulders. "No idea what her name is but she was abused and she's pregnant. Shes 16 years old." I say as I place my hand on Meredith's stomach because I was worried that who ever abused this girl was gonna come for my sister and her baby. "What's your name sweetie?" Arizona asks the girl as she was waking up. "Catalina." She says as she looks at us. "Well Catalina you and your baby are gonna be ok." I say to her to reassure her but I wasn't lying. "She's right your baby is perfectly fine." The OB says as I see her reaching for my hand so I grab it. "See I told you both gonna be ok." I say as she smiles. "Dr. Grey you wanna stay with her till the police get here because she seems good no abdominal pain so she's good to go but we have to get her up to a room." Arizona says as I nod and we take her up to a room.

In Catalina's hospital room
I was sitting in the chair in her room when she looks at me. "Dr. Grey, can I ask you something?" She says as I nod. She tries to sit up and I say, "Yeah ask away." She nods and goes to speak but she puts her hand on her bump. She was about 5 or 6 months pregnant. "Do you have kids Dr.Grey?" She asks as I nod because I do. "Yes 1. A daughter named Isabelle who we all call Belle." I say as I smile at her. "How old is she? Does she have a father?" She asks as I nod again. "Shes 4 years old and yes she has a father. In fact her father is a doctor here." I say as a police officer walks in and my pager goes off. "Can you stay here Dr. Grey? I need a friend here by my side." Catalina says as I look at my phone to see it's Derek that paged me. "Well I gotta go anyways but we are gonna keep you overnight to monitor your baby but I have to get to my sisters appointment. She's pregnant too and today she finds out the gender. I would stay but she wants me there well her husband is with her but she knew I wanted to know the gender of her baby since she was there when I found out that my daughter was a girl." I say as I get up and she nods as she understands. "It's ok. You're a doctor so you will be back in the morning." She says as I walk out and go to find Meredith and Derek.

After the appointment
We were walking out of the room. "It's a boy. I can't believe I'm getting a nephew." I say as I was so happy. I went to the daycare to pick up Belle because Meredith and Derek went to pick up Zola so they were coming with me. We get to the daycare and I don't see Belle so I walk up to the teacher. "Where is Belle?" I ask as she looks at me. "Your fiancé took her along with his daughter Sofia." She says as I was relieved that my baby girl was safe with her daddy. I say goodbye to Meredith, Derek and Zola when I'm about to leave I see Zola reaching for me. "Aww Zola I gotta go home to my baby. I'll visit you soon I promise." I say as I wave by at her and go to change out of my scrubs and into my normal clothes. After I'm done changing I go home to my fiancé and baby girl.

At Lexie and Marks apartment
I walk into the apartment when I see Mark playing with Belle and Sofia. "Honey I'm home." I say as Mark gets up and kisses me. "Hey Lex." He says as I kiss back and set my stuff down and take my coat off.  "Sorry I'm home late. Mer and Derek wanted me to be there for the gender reveal of their baby." I say as I pick up Belle when she comes running to me. "Ok it's bed time girls." Mark says as I nod because it was. He picks up Sofia and we take the girls to bed in the room that they share when Sofia is over here.

Grey's Anatomy: Isabelle Grey-Sloan (Slexies daughter) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ