Chapter 4

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Lexie's POV

It had been a month since Belle had the problem with not pumping enough blood. It was Thanksgiving time. Mark and I moved into an apartment with Belle. We wanted to have dinner at our apartment but it was small for our big hospital family so we planned on going to Meredith and Derek's for thanksgiving. I was already back at work I've been back at work since Belle was 3 weeks old but Arizona gives her annual check ups. We decided to have a small thanksgiving dinner at Callie and Christina's place. Callie was playing with Belle while the rest of us made dinner. Sloan walks in and says she's Marks daughter which meant she's Belles older sister. I cut my finger as I was cutting the veggies. Arizona sees it and Mark looks at my finger. "Callie come over here." Arizona says as Callie gets up off the floor. "What's up?" She says as Arizona points at my finger. "Omg! Lex! Come here I'll take care of that." She says as I go to her. Callie puts my finger back on but she puts a thing on it. Callie and I have become best friends. Arizona is also my best friend but Arizona has been my best friend since I was pregnant with Belle. After all Arizona is Belles godmother and Alex is her godfather.

Christmas Eve
It was Christmas Eve, Belle was asleep while I was decorating the Christmas tree. Mark was helping me while Mark's daughter Sloan was at the counter. "You should talk to her." I say as I hear Belle crying. "I got her." He says as he goes to Belles room. "If you guys ever need help with her I can help since I'm gonna be a mom." Sloan says as I walk over to her. "Got an questions for me since I've been through it before?" I say as she nods. "Yeah." She says as I sit down at the counter by her. "Ok ask away." I say as she looks at me. "Ok. What is like giving birth?" She asks as I wouldn't know because I didn't push her out. "Well I didn't extactly push her out because she hasn't pumping enough blood so they needed to do an emergency C Section to get her out so she didn't die." I say as she puts her hand on top of mine. "Thank god my baby sister is ok." She says as I smile. Well I guess being Sloan's stepmom wasn't so bad as I thought it would be after all she is Belles older sister. Sloan already seemed to love me as her stepmother and she loved Belle too. She even held Belle once. Mark comes out with Belle in his arms and he hands her to me so I can breast feed her. Sloan may be pregnant but I know I wasn't ready to be grandma but after all she's my stepdaughter kinda but she is Belles sister. I can't just leave because Belle loves her and Sloan loves Belle. Arizona had said that if I needed to get away from all of it I can come live with her and Callie. Arizona is always there for me when I need her. She's also there for Belle because she has to be because it's her goddaughter.

New Years Eve

It was New Years Eve and we were operating on a patient. I looked at the clock and it was midnight so it was now 2010 so Mark and I kissed. Meredith and Derek kissed too.  Mark had told me that Sloan was pregnant but I already knew that because she told me.

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