Chapter 3

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I'm skipping to where Lexie is 9 months pregnant

Nobody's POV
Lexie was in a patients room and she was checking up on the patient after rounds. She was finally a resident but she is 9 months pregnant and about to pop out her baby girl any day now. Her patient had woken up just in time. "Um...Dr. Grey?" The patient says as Lexie looks at the woman. "Yes?" She says as the woman points to Lexie pants. "You have a spot on your pants." The woman says as Lexie looks down at her pants. "Shit." She says as she pages Mark and the OB. Mark comes running in with the OB. "My water broke." Lexie says as Mark looks at her. "Do you want me to page Meredith and Derek?" He says as Lexie nods so Mark pages Meredith and Derek. They get Lexie to the Maternity area of the hospital. Lexie screams in pain and the nurse checks how many centimeters Lexie is. "Well everything seems to be fine but your baby girl doesn't seem to be pumping enough blood so we need to do an emergency c section." The OB Esther says as Lexie looks at Mark scared. Meredith and Derek come running in. "I have to have an emergency C Section." Lexie says to them as they run in. "Dr. Green has never done a C section." Meredith says as Mark eyes go wide. "I'm gonna call Addison she's the best and I want her to do the C section not that new OB." Mark says as he takes out his phone and calls Addison.

Addison's POV
I was with a patient who is pregnant and I was giving her a check up on her baby in the womb when I hear my phone ringing. I look to see it's Mark so I ignored it thinking it was nothing but a booty call but than it rings again and it's Mark again. I start to think it was something important so I pick it up. "Hello." I say into the phone. "Addie we need you. Mine and Lexie's baby isn't pumping enough blood and Lexie needs to have an emergency C Section. There is this new OB Dr. Esther Green or something like that and I don't trust her around my girls because she's new and I don't know if she knows what she's doing quiet yet. She never did a C Section before. Meredith told me." He says as I had no idea Lexie was pregnant. "Ok I'm on my way Mark." I say as I hang up the phone. "Ok well I gotta cut this check up short. I have to get Seattle to do a C section on a friends baby." I say to my patient. "It's ok Dr. Montgomery." She says as she wipes off the gel and puts her shirt down. I go out of the room and I go to Naomi. "Naomi I gotta go to Seattle to do a C section on Mark's baby." I say as I look at her. "Ok take the helicopter to Seattle Grace." She says as I nod. I call the helicopter pilot and he takes me to Seattle Grace Hospital in Seattle.

Mark's POV

I had just called Addison so she can operate on Lexi. I trusted Arizona but I wanted Addison to help Arizona with the C section. "Page Dr. Robbins." I say as Meredith pages Arizona. When all of a sudden I get paged to the front desk in the maternity area. I see Addison standing there. Addison follows me to Lexies room. "Ok now that Addison is here. We should get my girls to the OR." I say as Arizona nods. They prep Lexie for the OR. "You three can't be in the OR because you are Lexie and the baby's family." Arizona says as we all go to the gallery for OR 1.

Arizona's POV

We got Lexie in the OR and started operating on her and the baby. I cut into Lexies stomach and got the baby out. "It's a beautiful baby girl." I say as I look at Lexie. I hand Lexie and Mark's baby girl off to Addison while I close up Lexie. I see Mark looking down from the gallery and Meredith and Derek were standing by him. After all this was Meredith and Derek's niece and sister I just operated on but I couldn't have either them in the OR because they would just panic. I had finished closing up Lexie when a nurse tells me my pager is going off. "Nurse Valeria who is paging me?" I ask as I look at her. "Dr. Torres." Nurse Valeria says as I went over to check on Lexie and Mark's baby girl. "Well tell her I'm in surgery." I say as nurse Valeria nods and goes to the phone to call Callie. I get an incubator for Lexie and Mark's baby girl. I had no idea what her name was so I walked over to Lexie to transfer her to a room in maternity area. "Lex what's her name? The baby's?" I ask as we are moving her to her room. "Isabelle Georgia Grey-Sloan." She says as I'm like aw that's a beautiful name. "Aw I love it. It's beautiful." I say as she starts to cry. "Thanks." She says as I was worried for my best friend. "Lex you ok?" I say as I was wondering if my best friend was ok. "Yeah I just miss George. I wish he was here to see Belle because her middle is after him but just the girl version of George." She says as I rub her shoulder once we are in her room. "You wanna go see Belle in the NICU?" I ask as she nods and Callie comes running in. "Arizona I've been paging you." She says as I get a wheelchair for Lexie. "Sorry I was in Surgery Callie. Lexie and Belle were the patients well more importantly Belle was she is critical. Her blood wasn't pumping enough so we needed to do an emergency C Section." I say as I help Lexie into the wheelchair. "Oh. Wait whose Belle?" She says as I wheel Lexie to the NICU and Callie follows us. "Lexie and Mark's little girl. Isabelle Georgia to be exact." I say as we get to the NICU. I wheel Lexie to Belle. "Oh. Wait after George?" Callie says as she looks at Lexie. Lexie nods as she gets up out of the wheelchair and puts her hands through holes of the incubator to touch Belle. Mark walks in with Meredith and Derek. "Callie why don't we let them be alone with Belle." I say as I walk out but Callie stays put. "No I'm gonna stay." She says as I nod and walk off.

Lexie's POV

I had my hands through the incubator so that I can touch Belle. "What's her name?" My sister asks as I look at Callie since I told Arizona and she told Callie. "Isabelle Georgia Grey-Sloan." I say as I feel Belle grip my finger. "Page Alex." Mark says as he saw that Belle gripped my finger. Callie pages Alex and he comes running in. "Is she ok?" He asks as we all nod. "Yeah she's fine. She gripped my finger Alex." I say as I see one of the newbie residents passing by. I believe it was Reed that passed by I think that's her name. We looked like a happy family and in fact we were because the sweetest little girl just gripped my finger.

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