Chapter 8

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Lexie's POV
We were at the baseball field practicing for our softball game that we had against Seattle Pres. Well Meredith and Christina were not practicing they were on the field laying down. Belle goes running to Meredith. She was 2 years old now. "Auntie Meredith get up!" She says as I laugh. Belle always loved the attention from Meredith, Derek, Jackson, April, Alex, Arizona, Mark and I. Belle comes running back over to me. I was by the fence when a girl comes up to Mark and kisses him. "Who is that?" I say as I look at them. "Julia. His new girlfriend. They have been going out all week." Callie says as I pick up Belle and Mark is stills kissing Julia. "Um...Mark our 2 year old daughter is right here in my arms and she doesn't need her daddy kissing his new girlfriend." I say as he stops kissing Julia. I was dating Jackson but I was developing feelings for Mark again. The only ones who know are Arizona, Meredith and Derek. Arizona hasn't told Callie because she hates me for breaking Marks heart. I wanted Mark back because I love him also because Belle needs her parents plus I want more kids with him. I want Belle to have brothers because she was 2 sisters already. Belle doesn't see Sofia much because Callie doesn't trust me around Sofia but Mark and Arizona do. Belle has been playing with her cousin Zola lately well before Zola got taken away from Meredith and Derek. I told them that they would get Zola back because I knew that nobody could ever take away any little girl away from their mama and I knew that because I'm a mother myself.

At the game
We weren't winning it was 7-0 so we were down by 7. If I must say this we suck. We have a 2 year old on our team who has got hit twice in the face by Julia and Callie accidentally elbowed her but Callie apologized to Belle but Julia didn't. Meredith and Christina were drunk. I was pitching because Teddy was doing a bad job at it. Julia was up to bat I looked over at Mark who was by first base. Belle was by Derek so I knew she was safe. The next person was up to bat and Julia was at first base. I threw the ball to the batter but Henry catches it. "My grandma can throw better than that." Julia says as I hit her in the boob with the ball. "Time out." The chief of Seattle Pres says as Meredith and Christina come over to me. "What?! I thought she was stealing second base." I say as Meredith hands me the flask. "It could have been her hand." The chief of Seattle Pres said. I drink from the flask and Meredith picks up Belle. I hand the flask to Christina and I take Belle from Meredith.

Later at night
We were sitting on the bleachers. Most of us were drunk even April was. "Is Julia gonna be ok?" I say as I shouldn't have been worried about her but I was. "Yeah. It's her boob. She's in good hands." Callie says as Arizona rubs my shoulder. "Hey it's ok she hit Belle twice. Callie at least apologized for it because she loves Belle. You were defending your daughter." She says as she gets up. "She also called me a grandma. I'm a mother not even a grandma yet because Belle is only 2 years old." I say as Arizona hugs me and I hug back. "Bye Belle." Arizona says as she hugs Belle and Belle hugs her back. Jackson walks off so I was gonna catch a ride with Meredith and Derek. I grabbed Belle and followed my sister and brother in law to the car.

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