Chapter 2

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Lexies POV
A month later

I'm 7 months pregnant now with Belle. I walk into the ER with my dad. I see my sister as I'm walking in with him. "Meredith. Hey, his neighbor said that he wasn't getting his mail." I say as I knew Meredith didn't really know as much as I did. "Mer-Meredith, oh, I heard you got married on a sticker. That's great." My dad says as I said post it not sticker. "You know, we should go so you can have family time." Christina says as I didn't want her to. "No, no, no. I don't know what's wrong with him." I say as I didn't know. "Did you pick him up off the floor of a bar, Lexie? That might be a clue." Meredith says as she has a point but I'm pretty sure nobody will let a 7 month pregnant girl in a bar. "Meredith, no, I'm not...I haven't been drinking. I swear." My dad says as he throws up blood on Meredith's shoes. "Now that could be surgical." Christina says as she was probably right. I wanted to throw up actual throw up from seeing my dad throw up blood on my sister. We paged Bailey and she came in the ER. "Okay, make sure his fluids are running wide open. Let's get that blood hung." Bailey says as I stand by my sister with my hands on my bump. "Got F.F.P. here." Alex says. "What— what about factor VII? Do you check his I.N.R.?" I ask as I was worried but I didn't wanna stress too much about this because I can't stress while pregnant. "Okay, hang 50 mics of octreotide." Bailey says. "Got it." Izzie says. "Dr. Bailey, shouldn't we for renal failure?" I ask Bailey. "Move. I need to lavage him." Christina says. "No, I need to put this up." Izzie says as Meredith places a hand on my stomach. "Okay, hey, pause. There's too way many people here. Karev, get the orogastric tube in. The rest of you, out." Bailey says as she pulls the curtain. "He made amends. He's not drunk." I say as my sister walks off so I sigh.

We were in my dads room and waiting on Meredith. "You've got end-stage cirrhosis. We can treat the symptoms but the only thing that can save your life is a transplant." Bailey says to my dad. "How did it happen this fast?" I ask. "He bathed it in gin." Alex says. "Alex." I say. "No, your friend's right except for the gin. I was a scotch man. What's— what's the next step here? Do I get on a list?" My dad says. "Um, Thatcher, the transplant board has a rule here. An alcoholic has to be sober at least a year before he qualifies for a donor liver." Dr. Webber says. "I'm only 90 days." My dad says as the room goes silent. "I'll do it. I'll do it today. I'll— I'll go get tested right now." I say as I was offering. "Lexie—" My dad tries to say but I interrupt him. "No, they just take a piece. My liver will regenerate." I say to my dad. "I can't ask you to do something like that. It's... it's major surgery and your pregnant Lexie." He says. "You're not asking. You're my dad. You want a kidney? I'll throw in one of those, too." I say to him while holding his hand.

I was getting tested to see if I was a match but I wasn't so I searched for Meredith's medical files and she was a match. I went to tell her but she hesitated at first but she was doing it for me and Belle. "I don't know what it is like to have a father but I do know what it's like to have a sister." I hear her say to our dad. She was doing it for me and Belle.

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