Chapter 10

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*btw that's Troian Bellisario aka Spencer Hastings in the picture*

Meredith's POV

I wake up and look around to see I'm in a hospital. I wonder where Lexie and Derek were. I see Bailey with Zola, Belle and Richard. Bailey was holding Zola and Richard was holding Belle. "Let us through." Bailey says as they come in and she hands me Zola. "Do you happen to know where Lexie or Mark are?" Richard asks one of the nurses. "Yeah I guess follow me." The nurse says as Richard walks out with Belle.

Lexie's POV

I wake up and I see Richard with Belle coming in the room. "My baby!" I say as Richard hands her to me. "Mommy!" She says as she hugs me. "I told you mommy would be ok." I say as I lied to my own daughter. I wasn't ok because I couldn't walk. "Where's daddy?" She asks as I had no idea last time I saw him was in the woods. "I don't know baby." I say as I didn't because I saw him the wood and that was the last time I saw him.

Back in Seattle
A few weeks later

We were all still recovering from the plane crash. Mark was in a coma and I wanted him to wake up for Belle and I. Meredith, Alex, and Christina are now attendings so that makes my sister my boss now. I'm still a resident for 3 more years. I hope I get chief resident because I want it so bad. I was finally going back to work today because I was finally walking since the plane crash. I was living with Meredith and Derek in their new house that Derek built. They let Belle and I stay there since Mark and I aren't together. I and go to the residents lounge. I set Belle down on the bench and put my scrubs on. She was 4 years old now. "Mommy?" She says as I pick her up. "Yes baby?" I say as I look at the 4 year old in my arms. "Can we go see daddy before I go to daycare?" She asks as I nod and make my way to Marks room. I didn't want her to see her daddy hooked up to machines but hey she wanted to see him. We enter his room and sit down next to him. "Someone wanted to say to you." I say to him as I grab his hand. "Hi daddy." Belle says as I see Mark waking up. I guess the voice of his baby mama and daughter woke him up. I paged Derek and Callie '911 in Mark's room' and they came running in. "He's awake." I say as I'm holding his hand. "How is that possible. The doctors said he wouldn't." Callie says as I shrug my shoulders.  "I think hearing the voice of me and Belle trigged him to wake up." I say as Mark looks at me. "Lex." He says as I look at him. "Yes its me and Belle." I say as he looks at us. "I love you Lex. I want me, you and Belle to be a family. I want Belle to have brothers." He says as I kiss him by accident. "Oops I'm so sorry. You are still with Julia." I say as he looked at us. "I'll break up with her. Face to face right here and now." He says as Julia walks in. "We will leave you two alone. Page me if you need me Mark." I say as I get up and walk out. I take Belle to the day care center.

Mark's POV

Julia walks in and Lexi leaves with Belle so that I can talk to Julia. "Callie called me and said you were awake." She says as I sit there. "Yeah. I woke up to Lexi and Belles voices." I say as Julia comes over to my bedside and sits down than she grabs my hand. "Listen Julia. I love Lexi. I always have. I want to be a family with her and Belle." I say as Julia takes her hand away from mine. "So what are you saying Mark?" She asks me. "I'm saying that I'm breaking up with you to be with my family." I say as she gets up and walks out mad. I laugh and page Lexie.

Lexies POV

I see Marks page so I go running to his room. "You paged? Is Julia gone?" I ask as he nods. "She's gone. And I broke up with her." He says as I go onto the bed and kiss him. He kisses me back. "I missed you so much." I say as I hug him. "Please be girlfriend again." He says as I kiss him again as a way of saying yes but I decided to say, "Yes I'll be your girlfriend again." He kisses me until a nurse comes in to check on him. "I'll go. I mean I gotta go. Before the interns do something stupid with Derek's patients. He put me in charge of his post ops." I say as Mark kisses him one last time.

Grey's Anatomy: Isabelle Grey-Sloan (Slexies daughter) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz