𝑉𝐼𝐼. "Vibrations"

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You kept the promise. Still, you expected to use Guts' knife in another way, not to disembowel animals and remove their raw innards.

Why the hell I'm doing this, you thought as you threw the poor dead animal on the ground. Puck stared at the process with a disgusted expression, covering his small mouth with both hands to keep from throwing up.

«Ugh! You are terrible Y/n, where did you learn to do such a thing?!»

In that moment, you speared the open stomach of freshly hunted game. Although you were covered in blood up to your wrists, you were careful not to damage the flesh with the blade.

«In the wood. You must learn that if you don't want to starve.» There, you said you had your first hunt when you were five years old, being alone in the forest for three days «Except my father, no one believed I would make it...I had bear fur for the rest of the winter.»

«B-bear!?» Instead of disgust, now Puck looked at you with great esteem and courage «Wow, now I'm sure I've never met a girl like you before...you are terrific, Y/n!»

You didn't react, just staying with your eyes fixed on the animal's head before cutting it off with a clean cut.

Yet, you couldn't save her.

You wiped your sweat with the back of your hand. It had been a few days since then, but you still hadn't forgotten what happened to Lily...and now, to make things worse was the haunting presence of the man in black, who was treating you as if you were his damn slave. Luckily, you knew what you were doing and thanks to you, Guts could enjoy good meals too...

You had doubts that he ever did that.

Right there, his shadow appeared before you, blocking the light from entering the cave. He seemed to have returned from another hunt, as he was carrying another handful of dead animals on his shoulder.

«Enough for today.»

Guts commanded, letting go of his booty next to you and without even looking. Or so it seemed, until his eye followed your accurate movements with a little curiosity.

«So, there's something else you can do as a woman...» He taunted you with a smirk, getting an obvious glare from you.

«Interrupt me again and I'll make you a mush like them, clear?» His deep laugh annoyed you to death, it was clear he was playing with you, taking advantage of the fact that you couldn't react the way you wanted against him; no matter how hard you tried, he seemed to be watching your every move like a creeping hawk.

«We both know you don't need this. Why do you want me here? If I'm not mistaken, you wanted to be alone...» You added before starting to light the fire with a couple of stones, snorting when the flame went out soon after.

It was his fault you were nervous now.

«You're paying me for saving your life on the battlefield.» Unexpectedly, Guts crouched at your height and as you thought, he was a human beast up close. He stared at you with his eye, gripping the pinned sword with his right palm «Consider yourself lucky if you're not in the middle of the woods right now, I'm not usually that patient with women.»

«That's because you just know how to deal with men, have a crush on them or what?» Guts stayed serious when you said that, swinging the blade towards the ground nervously.

«I bet you've never touched a woman—»

Suddenly, a large hand gripped your collar firmly and abruptly lifted you up. You weren't aware of it and just stared at him in shock.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞 || Guts X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now