𝐼𝐼. "Under the Armor"

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That shrill voice was starting to irritate you more and more.

«Aaaah! Can we stop for a moment, my feet hurt so much!!»

Lily had leaned against a tree and was trying to give herself a quick massage on her feet, now swollen and dirty...anyway, what the hell was thinking when she decided to walk through the forest with a pair of thin shoes like that?

Judging from the position of the sun, you were sure it hadn't been that long since you, the brat, and that strange guy in black left the village. But now, you were walking on a different street; well, that was useful to avoid unpleasant encounters like earlier and the silence of the forest wasn't so bad...unfortunately, someone had managed to destroy its quietness, of course.

The imposing man, whose name was Guts, turned to see the girl was left behind. Eventually, you did too, just a few steps ahead of him, and you did nothing but snort.
As you thought, that girl was going to be a problem from the start...

Then, you cast a glance at the black warrior. He hadn't said anything all the way, but it was evident that he was annoyed by the sudden change of events and you were about to laugh at how ridiculous that was.

But you stopped when you heard him say something.

«Let's stop here now.»

The other girl let out a sigh of relief and slumped to the ground, obviously happy to hear that.

«We shouldn't do that, or we'll be forced to travel at night.» You added not approving his decision.

Oddly, you thought you heard a chuckle, as he looked at you with his left eye and your expression frowned, unable to understand what he was thinking, but it seemed something funny apparently...

«If he thinks I'm afraid of the dark I'll blow his other eye out too...» You thought threateningly.

In the end, you camped a little farther on. Lily put down the bag carelessly she was carrying, while Guts just sat on a broken tree trunk.
There, a tiny winged creature emerged from his cloak.

«Finally some fresh air!» He began to exclaim crunching his arms and legs.

He didn't look dangerous, but you had never seen one of them before.

«Hi~ I'm Puck!» He screamed flying in your direction; because of that, your hand sipped on the hilt of your sword.

«Oh, don't be afraid of me, I'm not that bad!» Well, you didn't know whether to take that little thing seriously...anyway, it seemed very strange he was with that swordsman.

«Mpf, I'm not.» You answered «And I didn't think he could have a mascot like you...»

The little one pouted. Even when he got angry he was still too cute...maybe, you were distracted with the fairy being, that you didn't notice the black swordsman was staring at you intently.
With the giant sword implanted in the muddy ground, he held his bicep contracted to lean against it.

Earlier, he had seen you moving from one opponent to another, wielding that bastard sword nimbly. If the cloak hadn't fallen off you, he would never have imagined that you could be a woman...and also very skilled.
Judging by his first impression, you had enough experience of the world around you not to be afraid of it and that explained your lack of trust.

Well, you were just similar to him in that.

But the more he looked at you, the more he thought you weren't like that person. He knew nothing about you and probably never would have done that; your paths would have parted, as soon as you arrived at the next town.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞 || Guts X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now