𝐼𝑉. "Shadows from the Past"

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Something was wrong. The more he tried not to think about it, the more Guts' mind couldn't stop thinking about you. He wasn't romantically interested in you, of course, but there was still something kept him from taking his eyes off you...whether it was your constantly hostile figure or that sudden and rare smile of yours, Guts didn't understand what made him curious about you.

But one thing was certain, he was damn tired of the insect he was carrying on his shoulder, surely it was his fault that he was thinking about this now.

«You are changed Guts.» Puck spoke out suddenly, not that the swordsman had asked his opinion anyway «I can read that in your face...you can't stop thinking about her, right?»

In that moment, Guts stopped abruptly, undecided whether to get rid of him or just crush him on the spot like a fucking ant, rather than hearing another word come out of his annoying little mouth.

«I swear, if you don't shut up right now...» The black swordsman threatened the little flying elf with a deadly look, but Puck just flew off his shoulder mockingly to go sit on yours, instead...seriously, Guts was starting to hate that shrewd creature more and more.

«What, big boy here has problems dealing with the little ones?» You raised an eyebrow as you stood a few steps away from the man «Look, he's just keeping an eye for you by sitting on your right...»

There, you pointed to the eye he lacked when you said that and Puck just laughed out loud, wriggling on your cloaked shoulder, definitely he didn't expect you to have such humor...but Guts didn't laugh, of course, and just stared at your amused grin intently, aware that you were making fun of him.

But soon, your smile faded as his large shadow appeared above you and with the usual bad smirk on his face, in a way more terrifying when it was half covered by the black cloak.

«What, don't you like when someone keeps an eye on you, instead?» There, Guts swung his big bastard sword over his shoulder playfully and with frightening ease «Yet, it didn't seem like that last time at the lake–»

«Shut up. Or I'll cut your throat in this fucking moment.» You interrupted him seriously, not really interested to let him finish that disgusting insinuation; but the swordsman didn't seem to want to let you go right away and dropped his big blade beside your figure, brushing and cutting your cloak when it sunk the earth.

«Really?» Guts lifted his chin as if he were genuinely curious to know and without losing his half, psycho smile, as much as he was amused in that situation.

«Come on then...show me how smart you are, little woman.»

You really had enough of hearing him and this time, you didn't hesitate to point your own sword at his neck, pricking the hard skin right under his cheek...but there, you saw dark blood running down your blade.

«Now I understand why it's called the black swordsman...» You thought at the same time you pulled the sword away from his neck. Despite the cut you caused him, Guts didn't flinch in pain.

But you also thought, there was no way he didn't have a weakness...he was still a human being, after all.

«What are you thinking about?» Suddenly, Puck called to you «I don't know anything about his past, but I'm sure he must have suffered a lot and that's why he's so brute to others...»

You didn't say anything, just watch the man turn and walk away on his own, as he always did and despite your firm hostility.

«But the truth is, he has something "pure" within him, that hasn't been corrupted by Evil yet.» Again, the little elf explained with big, sincere eyes, as if he wanted to convince you of something.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞 || Guts X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now