𝑋𝑉𝐼𝐼. "Captivity"

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Noelia raised her trembling hands to the chest. For the second time, she was witnessing the farewell of another person dear to her, as she watched Guts prepare the horse...he intended to follow your trail and get you back from wherever you were now and although the girl trusted in the black swordsman's tenacity, she couldn't help but be distressed.

Guts hadn't spoken to anyone the entire time, nor he had asked about your particular condition again...what if he didn't accept the fact you were pregnant and that was all a mistake?

«Calm down, Noelia.» Suddenly, Puck's touch on her shoulder made her breathe again «There's no way Guts can fail and Y/n is a strong woman, they will go home together!»

Noelia burst into tears at the little elf's smile, he was right and she hoped things would return to their place, in their right place. Before getting on the horse, Guts took another look at Noelia's crying, he wasn't the type to comfort people, but after he saw her and Y/n smile together often, he couldn't ignore that and just placed a palm on her red head to rub it gently.

«I'll bring her back to you, safe and sound.» He said sternly and Noelia stared silently, there was still something she needed to ask to chase away her bad thoughts.

«Will you tell her that you know?» Even without specifying it, Guts understood what she meant, but there was no expression on his face, nor he seemed annoyed by it.

«I'll talk to it after I find her.» He stated in a low voice, as if the topic hadn't slipped up on him and was waiting for the right moment to find out more, but now his only concern was to know where you had gotten yourself «But if what you said is true, then it might be too late...and maybe it's better this way.»

As she feared, Guts felt the same as you, however Noelia noticed the warrior's profile hiding a deep veil of pain; when Guts prepared to leave, the old man also came to say goodbye and thank him for everything he had done for their tavern...of course, Puck flew away with him and before everything was as silent as it once was, Noelia followed the horse to the gate, without crossing it.

«May God always be with you, Guts!!»

She screamed at the top of her lungs and Guts listened to her words without turning, though he didn't believe in any merciful deity, he accepted the girl's prayer as if it were a pledge that he could never free himself from...whatever plague would fall upon him, it wouldn't be enough to stop him from finding the woman he loved.

• • •

You woke up in a large, comfortable bed. Your body was devoid of armor, but you still wore your clothes under the covers which looked fit for a queen.

«Where I am?» You asked yourself as you moved your eyes left and right. You clearly remembered falling down the cliff, so someone had found you and taken you there «Is this the home of a rich man? I've never seen a bedroom as large as this one...»

You were about to move from the bed when your left leg started to hurt like hell. Judging by the pain, it appeared to be dislocated and there were no other injuries you could see, as it had been completely bandaged...whoever it was, he had been far too kind with a stranger.

There, you immediately looked towards the door when it opened, staring as a young girl, almost a teenager, entered the bedroom without making any noise.

«Oh, you're awake!» She said in a happy tone as she carried a tray with hot water and a towel inside, probably prepared for you «How do you feel? I hope the bandage isn't too tight–»

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞 || Guts X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora