The dare of a lifetime

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It's been months since I first saw that jc kid. We haven't really talked much since that time we bumped into each other but I've noticed him starring at me in class and we've exchanged awkward glances through the days. Since my parents wouldn't be home I wanted to throw one of my pretty sick parties since I'm a socialite and have too much time on my hands, so, I decided why not entertain some other kids with too much time on their hands. But since Jc doesn't seem to have many friends as the new kid, I may or may not have snuck him an invitation too...I hoped he'd show up. I was kind of looking foreword to talking to him. If he's going to stare at me like a dork he might as well tell me about himself.

(Time skip to the partay)

//Jcs POV//

Kians house was rather big, which isn't a bad thing I'm just not use to it. I showed up to the party early and first, an occasionally stupid habit of mine. Kian smiled and led me upstairs to his bedroom to, according to him "chillax". His bedroom was rather messy to be honest. There was dirty clothes lying on the floor and his bed was unmade not to mention his oddly large converse shoe collection cluttered the far right corner of the room. I giggled when I noticed a blown up condom on the floor and he bashfully kicked it away. I think that's the first time I've ever seen that boy blush. My stomach erupted with butterflies as we sat down together.
I couldnt help but continue to look around his bedroom. Posters cluttered one wall and filth the next. He really needs to clean in here.
"So whats up?" he asks before i turn my head around to look at him. Before i could stop myself i blurted out,
"the sky."
He giggled as i blushed. "You're really funny."
I shook my head at the compliment. Funny is one thing i definetly am not.
"No, you are. You don't seem like you have to try too hard. You are funny, get good grades, and your very attractive."
I raised an eyebrow at his last comment and my stomach fluttered again.
He cleared his throat. "I mean...for a girls point of view. From a guys you alright." I nodded and looked down at my lap.
We got quiet for a moment and I smiled softly at him then commented "You know, you don't really seem like a bad boy like people think you are," and I giggled. Kian chuckled his sexy Kian Lawley chuckle I loved to listen to in the hallways and replied "Well I'm definitely not a good one," and I giggled. We stared at eachother a while before being interrupted by the door bell.
The party was a little wild for me and kian was continuously trying to make me socialize, I could tell he was just trying to help me make friends and I loved that he was kind enough to think of me and try to help, but I wasn't sure befriending a bunch of most likely drunk homophobic jocks and bimbos was exactly the best idea. Later people began leaving and the last of us began to play truth or dare. It was actually pretty fun, one guy put a whole bag of ice in his pants. I actually enjoyed myself and then came the dare of the night. The dare of a life time. The blonde girl across from us announced "I dare you to kiss Kian for a whole minute" and everyone cooed or went OOOOOOOH like when someone says a yo mama joke and roasts a kid. I know my slang I'm not that nerdy. Anyways, me and kian looked at eachother. His eyes were as wide as plates and I've never seen a face so red. After they begged and begged I finally just made a move and kissed him. His lips were soft and the butterflies returned, and I never wanted to go back. Having the type of butterflies that flap around in your stomach when you're crushing is magical, and it seemed like time stopped.

//Kians POV//
My heart raced and I began to get butterflies in my stomach. He was quite a kisser by the way. As we broke away I sat there confused. Confused about everything. Why did I like it? Why didn't I push him away? Why did I kiss back? All these thoughts raced through my head. I couldn't sleep that night. I tossed and turned thinking about that kiss, the taste of him still lingered in my mouth. I don't understand...IM STRAIGHT FOR GOD SAKE! But I already know like I said before pushing your feelings away solves nothing...and i think I'm falling for a boy...

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