Chapter 12

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Kitty awoke to an empty bed as soon as Mo tore the curtains apart and light flooded the room.

"Good morning, Miss Thackery," the butler greeted when she groaned.

Kitty yawned and attempted to stretch without ripping her wound open all over again.

"Good morning, Mo."

She rubbed at her eyes and struggled to sit up. Moses offered her an arm, which she used as leverage to push herself upright and lean against the headboard.

Mo set a breakfast tray across her lap. "Mrs Hobbs has sent a note that she and Mrs Killick are on their way to fetch you."

"Thank you, Mo. Where's Ben?"

"He had some business to attend to."

Kitty looked up at Mo, standing straight, with his hands crossed behind his back. As far as British butlers went, his appearance was unique. His head was shaved on the sides and the hair on top stood like a crest in the middle, which continued in a series of braids down his back. His ears were pierced, and he wore earrings as well as a beaded necklace.

Kitty remembered what Ben had said about him the other night, and she found his rigidity less intimidating.

"Mo... what is a Pawnee Scout?"

"A military scout from the Pawnee tribe. My tribe."

"How long were you in the army?"

"Most of my life."

"So why did you leave?"

His weight shifted from one foot to the other, the first sign of discomfort she had ever seen him display.

"What do you know about the Homestead Acts?"

"Not much, I don't think," Kitty answered. "Ben told me that the government gives you a piece of land where you can build a home."

"You got that right," Mo said. "I served my time, so I wanted my piece of land."

"But you didn't get it."

Mo smirked. "What gave it away?"

"You wouldn't be here if you had, would you?"

"No... No, I wouldn't be."

Kitty spread butter on her toast and took a bite. "Maybe Ben can give you a piece of land. Although, well... it wouldn't amount to much, would it? England is so much smaller than America."

"As long as it's big enough to build a home, I'm happy."

"Should I ask him about it?"

"He knows."

"Oh, does he? Is that how he persuaded you to join him?"

"I was his uncle's footman before Ben recruited me for his rescue expedition, so I didn't take much persuasion. I'm better at tracking and fighting in the wild."

Kitty frowned. "What were you tracking in the wild?"

Mo opened his mouth to answer, then shut it. "You should probably ask Joe. I'll leave you to your breakfast, ma'am. Your cousins should be here shortly."


"Kitty!" Sarah barged into the room, carrying a Gladstone bag and followed by Hannah.

Kitty lowered her novel. Sarah left her bag on the floor and hugged Kitty's head to her chest, kissing her hair.

"How are you, darling?" Sarah's thumb brushed Kitty's brow. She quickly spotted the bandages beneath Kitty's nightshirt. "Are you badly hurt?"

The girl shook her head. "Just a really long scratch. What about you, Sarah? Are you all right?"

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